Doron Puder


School of Mathematical Sciences,

Tel Aviv University

Room 235

Office hours: By appointment

Office phone: +972-3-640-8235

Email: doronpuder at gmail

In the year 2024-2025 I'm on sabbatical in the School of Mathematics, at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton. 

ERC Project: Word Measures in Groups and Random Cayley Graphs

Research Interests: 

I study group theory, and especially combinatorial, geometric and probabilistic group theory. Many of the questions in my research involve word measures on groups: measures induced by word maps. This involves the study of free groups and their automorphism group, as well as certain aspects of the representation theory of the groups on which the word measures are induced. In the background there are problems about expansion and spectral gaps of random objects (random graphs, random surfaces, random Cayley graphs and so on). 

Groups & Dynamics Seminar: Thursdays at 11:00



Not for publication:



Michal Buran (2020-2021)

Daniele Garzoni (2021-2023)

Noam Kolodner (2022- 2024)

Phd Students:

Matan Seidel

Danielle Ernst-West

Niv Levhari

Master Students:

Danielle Ernst-West  (completed 2019): Word measures on GLn(Fq)

Ziv Greenhut  (completed 2019): A generation criterion for subsets of special linear groups over finite fields

Gal Ordo  (completed 2020): Word measures on the signed symmetric group

Liam Hanany (completed 2021): Word measures on symmetric groups

Yaron Brodsky (completed 2022): Word Measures on Unitary Groups: Improved Bounds for Small Representations

Tomer Zimhoni (completed 2023): Local statistics of random permutations from free products

Yotam Shomroni (completed 2023): Word Measures on Wreath Products I

Dror Frid

Noam Ta-Shma

Mini-courses in conferences:

Advanced Classes Taught:

Random Walks on Groups - Fall 2016
Surfaces: Graphs, Groups and Applications - Spring 2018
Topics in Combinatorial Group Theory - Fall 2018
Representations of Finite Groups - Spring 2020
Introduction to Algebraic Topology - Fall 2020
        Surfaces: Graphs, Groups and Applications - Fall 2021
        Advanced seminar in geometric group theory - Spring 2022

Brief CV: