Sudoku Puzzle Collections

Puzzles with 40 givens

Puzzles with 39 givens (collection of 2650 puzzles as of July 2, 2015)

Puzzles with 38 givens part 1, part 2 (collection of 2014078 puzzles as of February 24, 2015). First concatenate parts, then unzip.

Puzzles with 36+ symmetrical givens

Irreducible multiple solution pseudo-puzzles with 41 givens

Irreducible multiple solution pseudo-puzzles with 40 givens (expandable to 41-givens pseudo-puzzles not included)

Puzzles with 17 givens (Gordon Royle's list of 49158 puzzles as of July 3rd 2021)

Unavoidable Sets of size 60+

Weakly Minimal Unavoidable Sets of valency 35+

Puzzles with backdoor of size 4 in singles