CHI 2009 Sensemaking Workshop Accepted Papers
This is the master list of papers accepted into the CHI 2009 Sensemaking Workshop. We selected twenty papers out of the 31 submissions. All the submissions were great, but we only have a limited amount of time and space!
(Note that the order they're posted here is random. We will cluster them for presentation at the workshop.)
Link to the original description of the CHI 2009 Sensemaking Workshop.
Zip files of all the accepted papers:
(I broke the zip files into two files, each less than 10Mb for easy downloading. Be sure to get them both.)
Accepted Papers:
Selvin & Shum Coherence, Engagement and Usefulness as Sensemaking Criteria in Participatory Media Practice
(For some odd reason, this paper doesn't load into FireFox correctly. To read on FF or Safari, download the file to your computer, then use Acrobat.)
Sharma & Furnas Sensemaking and its handoff
Paul & Morris Understanding and support sensemaking in collaborative web search
Nelson, Pirolli, Hong, Schiano & Chi Examining the impact of social annotations in sensemaking tasks
Kirsh How interaction improves sensemaking
Zelik, Woods & Patterson The supervisor's dilemma: Judging when analysis is sufficiently rigorous
Chen, Qiu, Qu, Yen & Zhang Intelligent sensemaking of scientific literature through information scent
Kittur, Chau, Faloutsos, Hong Supporting ad hoc sensemaking: Integrating cognitive, HCI and data mining approaches
MacKay, Watters Helping user make and keep sense of multi-session web tasks
Faisal, Attfield & Blandford A classification of sensemaking representations
Muller, Dugan, Weber, Travis & Millen Social-tagging and the vocabulary problem
Vivacqua & Garcia Individual and group work in sensemaking: An ethnographic study
Wu, Zhang & Carroll Supporting synchronous sensemaking in geo-collaboration
Zhang & Soergel Examining a Comprehensive Sensemaking Model with User Studies of Computer-Assisted Sensemaking (updated version)
Farooq, Zhang & Carroll Sensemaking of scholarly literature through tagging
Dou, Jeong, Stukes, Ribarsky, Lipford, Chang Comparing Usage Patterns of Domain Experts and Novices on Analytical Tasks
Wilson & schraefel Importance of conveying inter-facet relationships for making sense of unfamiliar domains
Laqua, Sasse, Greenspan & Gates Making sense of the unknown: knowledge dissemination in organizations
Russell & Pirolli An overview of sensemaking: CHI 2009
Presentations from the workshop:
Last edit: April 16, 2009