Nguyen Dinh Hoa
Ph.D., Associate Professor
International Institute for Carbon-Neutral Energy Research (WPI-I2CNER)
Institute of Mathematics for Industry (IMI)
Kyushu University, Fukuoka 918-0395, Japan
Contact: hoa.nd@i2cner.kyushu-u.ac.jp, hoa@imi.kyushu-u.ac.jp, hoadn.ac@gmail.com
Joint Graduate School of Mathematics for Innovation, Graduate Program of Mathematics for Innovation
Visiting Scholar, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA, 11/2017 - 3/2018 and several other times
I will serve as a Chair of 2025 the 12th International Conference on Power and Energy Systems Engineering (CPESE 2025), September 12-14, 2025: https://www.cpese.net/. The conference call for papers is: https://www.cpese.net/CPESE2025-CFP.pdf
I will serve as an Associate Editor for the journal Cyber Physical Energy Systems published in Elsevier: https://www.editorialmanager.com/cpes/default.aspx
I gave a talk entitled "Iterative Learning for Prediction and Control" in the workshop "Mathematics for Innovation" at IMI, Ito Campus, Kyushu University, on Jan. 9th, 2025.
My paper entitled "Water tanks as lenses for optical wireless power transfer" has been published in IEEE Access.
My paper entitled "Iterative Learning Control Design for Iteration-Varying State-of-Charge Profiles of Electric Vehicle Batteries" has been published in IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems.
Delivered an invited Distinguished Lecture entitled "Optimality and Robustness in P2P Energy Systems" at EE Department, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand. https://ecti-thailand.org/2024-ecti-distinguished-lecture-5/
My paper entitled "Model Predictive Iterative Learning Control Design for Battery Optimal Electro-Thermal Management Under Daily-Variant State-of-Charge Patterns" has been published in IEEE Access, vol. 12, pp. 155904-155914, 2024. https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/10720742
Listed in the top 2% worldwide scientist for the 4th year in a row: List by Standford University and Elsevier ; and link for details of each scientist
Our paper entitled "A Multi-Agent Framework for P2P Energy Trading with EV Aggregators Supporting V2X Services" has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. DOI: 10.1109/TVT.2024.3450879
My paper entitled "A Moving-Horizon Dynamic Mode Decomposition Method for Daily Residential Electric Consumption Prediction" has been published in IEEE Access, vol. 12, pp. 96008-96016, 2024. https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/10595071
Our paper entitled "Distributed Dual Subgradient Methods with Averaging and Applications to Grid Optimization" has been published in Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications. Arxiv version here
I received the IEEE Japan Medal.
Two conference papers accepted for oral presentation at the 6th OWPT (Yokohama, Japan) and IEEE PESGM 2024 (Seattle, WA, USA).
A paper entitled "Stability Assessment of Microalgal Photobioreactors for Carbon Dioxide Capture Under Dilution Rate Constraints" has been published in Sustainability. DOI: 10.3390/su152115269
Listed in the top 2% of worldwide scientists for the second year in a row, made by Stanford University and published by Elsevier. Check here: https://elsevier.digitalcommonsdata.com/datasets/btchxktzyw/6
I will serve as a Technical Program Chair of the 2023 IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference and Expo, Asia-Pacific. (ITEC-AP 2023), Chiang Mai, Thailand, November 28 - December 1, 2023. Check here: https://itec-ap2023.com/
Our paper entitled "Assessing the Optimal Contributions of Renewables and Carbon Capture and Storage toward Carbon Neutrality by 2050" has been accepted for publication in Sustainability. Check it here.
I am invited by Kyushu University to give a talk at the event KYUDAI Now in Hanoi, September 2023.
I will serve as a Program Committee member for the 6th Optical Wireless and Fiber Power Transmission Conference (OWPT2024).
I was invited to be a Review Editor on the Editorial Board of Smart Grids, specialty section of Frontiers in Energy Research, Frontiers.
I will serve as a Technical Program Committee Chair of the first International Symposium on Intelligent Technology for Future Transportation (ITFT2024), scheduled to take place in Helsinki, Finland on October 19-20, 2024. Check here: https://itft.org/index.html
My paper entitled "Optical Wireless Power Transfer for Implanted and Wearable Devices" has been accepted for publication in Sustainability.
I will serve as a Technical Program Committee member of The 12th International Conference on Control, Automation and Information Sciences (ICCAIS 2023), http://iccais2023.org/
My paper entitled "Probability Distribution of Market Clearing Solution in Peer-to-Peer Energy Market" has been published in International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems. Link on the title.
My paper entitled "Dynamic Optical Wireless Power Transfer for Electric Vehicles" has been published in IEEE Access. Check it out here: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/10007816
My paper entitled "A Nature-Inspired Distributed Robust Control Design for Ground-Aerial Vehicle Cooperation" has been published in IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems (Early Access). Check it out here: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9994634
I have recently been elevated to be an IEEE Senior Member.
I was listed in the top 2% of worldwide scientists in 2021, conducted by Stanford University and published by Elsevier (https://elsevier.digitalcommonsdata.com/datasets/btchxktzyw/?fbclid=IwAR21JUmy5hoHRw9ky8PQVGFRwUgRlR8SNTSfE2EhVylYW56sFZV-E-H938Y).
I serve as a Guest Editor for the Special Issue on Advanced Diagnosis, Prognosis, and Control in Electromechanical Systems, in the journal Sensors (MDPI). https://www.mdpi.com/journal/sensors/special_issues/937844447I
I will serve as a Program Committee member for the 5th Optical Wireless and Fiber Power Transmission Conference (OWPT2023).
I delivered an invited talk entitled "Bidirectional Optical Wireless Power Transfer via Optical Transceiver" at the 4th Optical Wireless and Fiber Power Transmission Conference (OWPT2022) , part of the Optics and Photonics International Congress 2022 (OPIC2022), April 19, 2022. (https://owpt.opicon.jp/program/invited-talks/ )
I created a Youtube channel to introduce some illustrative videos of our research. Please check it out here: Youtube channel
I delivered an invited talk entitled "Wolf-Raven Cooperative Hunting: A Multi-Agent Model" at the 5th International Symposium on Swarm Behavior and Bio-Inspired Robotics, part of AROB-ISBC-SWARM 2022, Jan. 26, 2022.
I gave a talk entitled "Wireless Power Transfer and Renewables for Energy Mobility, Flexibility, and Sustainability" at the 2022 I2CNER-IMI Joint International Workshop on Wireless Power Transfer: Technologies for Smart Societies, which is a part of 2022 Kyushu University Energy Week.
I delivered a talk entitled "Mutuality between AI and Optimization" at the Forum Math for Industry (FMfI) 2021, organized by Vietnam Institute for Advanced Study in Mathematics (VIASM) and Institute of Mathematics for Industry (IMI), Kyushu University.
Our paper entitled "Machine Learning in Materials Chemistry: An Invitation" has been accepted for publication in Machine Learning with Applications.
Our paper entitled "Performance Analysis of A Perovskite-based Thing-to-thing Optical Wireless Power Transfer System" has been accepted for publication in IEEE Photonics Journal, vol. 14(1), 6213208, 2022. DOI: 10.1109/JPHOT.2022.3146365
My paper entitled "A Cooperative Learning Approach for Decentralized Peer-to-Peer Energy Trading Markets And Its Structural Robustness Against Cyberattacks" has been accepted for publication in IEEE Access. A shorter version without part on cyberattacks is on Arxiv.
Our joint paper (with many authors) entitled "Achieving a Carbon Neutral Future through Advanced Functional Materials and Technologies" has been accepted for publication in the Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan.
Our paper entitled "Iterative LMI Approach to Robust Hierarchical Control of Homogenous Linear Multi-Agent Systems Subject to Polytopic Uncertainty and External Disturbance" has been accepted for publication in IEEE Access.
Our paper entitled "The Potential Contributions of Universal and Ubiquitous Wireless Power Transfer Systems Toward Sustainability" has been accepted for publication in the International Journal of Sustainable Engineering. DOI: 10.1080/19397038.2021.1988187
Paper with my PhD student entitled "Design of Robust Hierarchical Control for Homogeneous Linear Multi-agent Systems with Parametric Uncertainty and External Disturbance" has been accepted for publication in the International Journal of Control. DOI: 10.1080/00207179.2021.1992671
Our paper entitled "Towards Thing-to-Thing Optical Wireless Power Transfer: Metal Halide Perovskite Transceiver As An Enabler", has been published in Frontiers in Energy Research.
My paper entitled "Electric Vehicle – Wireless Charging-Discharging Lane Decentralized Peer-to-Peer Energy Trading" has been published in IEEE Access.
Our paper entitled "Distributed Peer-to-Peer Energy Trading for Residential Fuel Cell Combined Heat and Power Systems", has been published in International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems. Arxiv version here.
My paper entitled "Optimal Solution Analysis and Decentralized Mechanisms for Peer-to-Peer Energy Markets" has been published in IEEE Transactions on Power Systems. Check it out here. Arxiv version here.
I received the Masao Horiba Awards: http://www.mh-award.org/en/year/2019/ . This was also announced on Nikkei: https://www.nikkei.com/article/DGXMZO48722700Z10C19A8LKA000/
Our paper entitled “Cooperative Control for Distributed Energy Storage Systems with Different Droop Schemes” won 2nd Prize Best Paper Award at the IEEE PES GTD Grand International Conference and Exposition Asia 2019.