Dimitris K. Despotis, Professor Emeritus, UNIVERSITY OF PIRAEUS
School of Information and Communication Technologies,
Department of Informatics,
80, Karaoli & Dimitriou Street
18534 Piraeus - Greece
e-mail: despotis<at>unipi<dot>gr
e-mail: ddespotis<at>gmail<dot>com
Academic Appointments
Professor, Department of Informatics, University of Piraeus (1982- 2022)
Vice-Rector, University of Piraeus (2004-2008)
Vice-Chair, Research Centre, University of Piraeus (2009-2011 )
Director, Decision Support Systems Laboratory (2002-2019 )
Chairman of the Committee for Postgraduate Studies, University of Piraeus (2004-2008)
Member of the Senate, University of Piraeus (1999-2000, 2004-2008)
Vice Dean, Department of Informatics, University of Piraeus (2004-2006)
Research Interests
Data Envelopment Analysis & Performance Measurement
Multicriteria Decision Analysis
Decision Support Systems
D. K. Despotis, D. Sotiros, G. Koronakos (2025), Data Envelopment Analysis of two-stage processes: An alternative (non-conventional) approach. International Transactions in Operational Research (https://doi.org/10.1111/itor.13320).
Competing DEA procedures: analysis, testing, and comparisons
G Koronakos, JH Dula, DK Despotis, arXiv preprint arXiv:2407.15585
B. Gładysz, D. Despotis & D. Kuchta (2023). Application of data envelopment analysis to IT project evaluation, with special emphasis on the choice of inputs and outputs in the context of the organization in question. Journal of Information and Telecommunication. (https://doi.org/10.1080/24751839.2023.2286764)
G. Koronakos, Y. Smirlis, D. Sotiros, and DK. Despotis (2022), "The OECD Better Life Index: A guide for well-being based economic diplomacy". In: “Modern Indices for International Economic Diplomacy” (Eds. V. Charles and A. Emrouznejad). Palgrave Publishers Ltd (Springer International Publishing AG), UK, pp. 19-53.
G Koronakos, D Sotiros, DK Despotis, MN Kritikos (2021), "Fair Efficiency Decomposition in Network DEA: A compromise programming approach". Socio-Economic Planning Sciences.(https://doi.org/10.1016/j.seps.2021.101100).
Tan, Y. and Despotis, DK. (2021), "Investigation of efficiency in the UK hotel industry: a network data envelopment analysis approach", International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, Vol. 33 No. 3, pp. 1080-1104. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJCHM-07-2020-0641
D Despotis, D. Kuchta (2021). Fuzzy weak link approach to the two stage DEA, RAIRO-Oper. Res. 55, 385–399 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1051/ro/2019093
D. Kuchta, D. Despotis, K. Fraczkowski, S. Stanek (2019), APPLICATION OF DATA ENVELOPMENT ANALYSIS FOR THE EVALUATION OF IT PROJECT SUCCESS, Operations Research and Decision 3, 17-36 (DOI: 10.5277/ord190302).
G Koronakos, Y Smirlis, D Sotiros, D. K. Despotis (2019). Assessment of OECD Better Life Index by Incorporating Public Opinion. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.seps.2019.03.005).
G Koronakos, D Sotiros, DK Despotis (2019). Reformulation of Network Data Envelopment Analysis models using a common modelling framework. European Journal of Operational Research , 278 (2), 472-480 (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejor.2018.04.004).
D Sotiros, G Koronakos, DK Despotis (2019). Dominance at the divisional efficiencies level in network DEA: The case of two-stage processes. Omega 85, 144-155 (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.omega.2018.06.007).
Thanassoulis E, Sotiros D, Koronakos G, Despotis DK (2018). Assessing the cost-effectiveness of university academic recruitment and promotion policies. European Journal of Operational Research 264 (2), 742-755 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejor.2017.06.046.
DK Despotis, G Koronakos, D Sotiros (2016). The "weak-link" approach to network DEA for two-stage processes. European Journal of Operational Research 254(2), 481-492. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0377221716301564
DK Despotis, D Sotiros, G Koronakos (2016). A network DEA approach for series multi-stage processes. Omega 61, 35-48. http://authors.elsevier.com/sd/article/S0305048315001474
DK Despotis, G Koronakos, D Sotiros (2016). Composition versus decomposition in two-stage network DEA: a reverse approach. Journal of Productivity Analysis 45(1) 71-87. http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11123-014-0415-x
DK Despotis, G Koronakos, D Sotiros (2015). A multi-objective programming approach to network DEA with an Application to the Assessment of the Academic Research Activity. Procedia Computer Science 55C, 370-379.(http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.procs.2015.07.070)
D. Despotis, D Sotiros (2014). Value-based Data Envelopment Analysis: A piece-wise linear programming approach. International Journal of Multicriteria Decision Making 4 (1), 47-68. (http://www.inderscience.com/info/inarticle.php?artid=59963)
D Sotiros, YG Smirlis, DK Despotis (2014). Incorporating Intra- and Inter-Input/Output Weight Restrictions in Piecewise Linear DEA: An Application to the Assessment of the Research Activity in Higher Education. In Managing service productivity, pp. 37-54 (http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-662-43437-6_3)
Amirteimoori, A., Despotis DK, Kordrostami, S. (2014). Variables reductions in data envelopment analysis. Optimization 63 (5), 735-745.
Smirlis Y, Despotis DK (2013). Piecewise linear virtual inputs/outputs in interval DEA. International Journal of Operations Research and Information Systems 4(2) 39-46 (DOI: 10.4018/joris.2013040103).
DK Despotis, G. Koronakos (2014). Efficiency assessment in two-stage processes: A novel network DEA approach. Procedia Computer Science 31:299 – 307.
Sotiros, D., Despotis, D.K. (2012). Max-normalised DEA models with an extension to DEA models with nonlinear virtual Inputs and Outputs. In V. Charles & M. Kumar (Eds.), Data Envelopment Analysis and Its Applications to Management (pp. 68-86). Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. ISBN (10): 1-4438-4132-3, ISBN (13): 978-1-4438-4132-0.
Y. Smirlis, D.K. Despotis (2012). Relaxing the impact of extreme units in data envelopment analysis. International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making, Vol. 11, No. 05: 893-907 (http://dx.doi.org/10.1142/S0219622012500253).
G.Kastaniotis, El. Maragos, C. Douligeris, D. K. Despotis (2012). Using data envelopment analysis to evaluate the efficiency of web caching object replacement strategies. Journal of Network and Computer Applications 35, 803-817 (DOI: 10.1016/j.jnca.2011.11.013)
Despotis DK, Stamati LV, Smirlis Y (2010). Data envelopment analysis with nonlinear virtual inputs and outputs. European Journal of Operational Research (DOI: 10.1016/j.ejor.2009.06.036)
Karapiperis, S., Apostolou, D., Stojanovic, N., Anicic, D., Despotis, D., (2008) Enterprise Attention Management. In G. Tsihrintzis (Ed.) "Multimedia Services in Intelligent Environments", Springer-Verlag.
Despotis DK and Derpanis D (2008). A min-max goal programming approach to priority derivation in AHP with interval judgements. International Journal of Information Technology and Decision Making 7(1) 175-182. (DOI: 10.1142/S0219622008002867)
Smirlis Y, Maragos EK and Despotis DK (2006). Data envelopment analysis with missing values: An interval DEA approach. Applied Mathematics and Computation 177, 1-10. ( DOI: 10.1016/j.amc.2005.10.028)
Despotis DK, Smirlis YG, Jablonsky J, Fiala P. Bewertung von prepaid-paketen nach dem preis-leistungs-verhältnis: Ein DEA-Ansatz für klassierte daten. In (H. H. Baner, M. Staat, M. Hammerschmidt Hrsg.) Marketing-Effizienz: Messung und Steuerung mit der DEA-Konzept und Einsatz in der praxis. Verlang Vahlen, München, 2006, p.p. 247-259
Despotis DK (2005). A reassessment of the human development index via data envelopment analysis. Journal of the Operational Research Society 56: 969-980. (DOI: 10.1057/palgrave.jors.2601927)
Kabassi K, Despotis DK and Virvou M (2005). A multicriteria approach to dynamic reasoning in an intelligent user interface. International Journal of Information Technology and Decision Making 4(1): 21-34 (DOI: 10.1142/S0219622005001362 )
Despotis DK (2005). Measuring human development via data envelopment analysis: The case of Asia and the Pacific. OMEGA The International Journal of Management Science 33(5): 385-390. (DOI: 10.1016/j.omega.2004.07.002)
Koliastasis D and Despotis DK (2004). Rules for comparing predictive data mining algorithms by error rate. OPSEARCH 41 (3): 35-44.
Smirlis Y, Despotis DK, Jablonsky J and Fiala P (2004). Identifying “best-buys” in the market of prepaid mobile telephony: An application of imprecise DEA. International Journal of Information Technology and Decision Making 3 (1): 167-177. ( DOI: 10.1142/S0219622004000970)
Fiala P, Jablonsky J, Smirlis Y and Despotis DK (2004). DEA with interval data: An illustration using the evaluation of branches of a Czech bank. Central European Journal of Operational Research 12 (4), 323-337.
Maragos EK and Despotis DK (2002). Comparing multiobjective mathematical programming methods in the light of data envelopment analysis. Journal of Interdisciplinary mathematics 5(3): 221-230.
Despotis DK (2002). Improving the discriminating power of DEA: Focus on globally efficient units. Journal of the Operational Research Society 53: 314-323
Despotis DK and Smirlis Y (2002). Data Envelopment Analysis with imprecise data. European Journal of Operational Research 140: 24-37 (http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0377-2217(01)00200-4)
Zopounidis C, Despotis DK and Kamaratou I (1998). Portfolio selection using the ADELAIS multiobjective linear programming system. Computational Economics 11: 189-204 ( http://www.springerlink.com/content/mn027r2572278771/)
Despotis DK (1996). Fractional minmax goal programming: A unified approach to priority estimation and preference analysis in MCDM. Journal of the Operational Research Society 47: 989-999 (http://www.jstor.org/stable/3010407)
Despotis DK and Zopounidis C (1995). Building additive utilities in the presence of non-monotonic preferences. Advances in Multicriteria Analysis (P.M. Rardalos et al. eds.), Kluwer Academic Publishers, p.p. 101-114.
Zopounidis C, Despotis DK and Stavropoulou E (1995). Multiattribute evaluation of Greek banking performance. Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis 11: 97-107
Siskos J, Despotis DK and Ghediri M (1994). Multiobjective modelling for regional agricultural planning Case study in Tunisia. European Journal of Operational Research 77: 375-391
Despotis DK and Zopounidis C (1993). Modelling preferences via non-monotone marginal utility functions. Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis (J. Jansen ed.), World Scientific Pub., New York, p.p. 213-230
Despotis DK and Siskos J (1992). Agricultural management using the ADELAIS multiobjective linear programming software: A case application. Theory and Decision 32: 113-131
Despotis DK, Siskos Y and Yannacopoulos D (1991). Experimental evaluation of multiobjective linear programming software. RAIRO-Operations Research 25: 365-380
Despotis DK and Yannacopoulos D (1990). Methode d'estimation d'utilites additives concaves en programmation lineaire multiobjectifs. RAIRO-Recherche Operationnelle 24: 331-349
Despotis DK, Yannacopoulos D and Zopounidis C (1990). A review of the UTA multicriteria method and some improvements. Foundations of Computing and Decision Sciences 15: 63-76
Siskos J and Despotis DK (1989). A DSS oriented method for multiobjective linear programming problems. Decision Support Systems 5: 47-55 (http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0167-9236(89)90027-4)
DK Sotiros, G Koronakos, J. Nasiadka, DK Despotis (2024): A generalized composition approach in Network Data Envelopment Analysis for complex structures: An application to higher education institutions in Poland. EURO 2024-33rd European Conference on Operational Research, June 30–July 3, 2024, Copenhagen.
DK Despotis (2023). Network Data Envelopment Analysis: The Prevalent Methodological Approaches and Some Recent Developments. MME2023: 41st International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Economics, September 13–15, 2023, Prague, Czech Republic.
José Dulá, Gregory Koronakos, Dimitris Despotis (2023). Operation counts for analyzing and comparing fast DEA procedures. IFORS 2023, 23rd Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies. July 10-14, 2023, Santiago, Chile.
G. Koronakos, J. Dulá, D.K. Despotis (2023). Reviewing fast DEA procedures. DEA45: International Conference on Data Envelopment Analysis, Surrey Business School, University of Surrey, UK, September 4-6, 2023.
D. K. Despotis, D-G. Sotiros, G. Koronakos (2022). An alternative approach to Network Data Envelopment Analysis. EURO2022- 32 European Conference on Operational Research, Espoo, Finland, July 3-6, 2022.
J. Nasiadka, D-G. Sotiros, G. Koronakos, D. Kuchta, D. K. Despotis (2022). A fair composition approach in Network Data Envelopment Analysis. EURO2022- 32 European Conference on Operational Research, Espoo, Finland, July 3-6, 2022.
G. Koronakos, J. Dula, D. K. Despotis (2022). Procedures for large scale DEA applications. EURO2022- 32 European Conference on Operational Research, Espoo, Finland, July 3-6, 2022.
J Nasiadka, D Sotiros, G Koronakos, D Kuchta, D K Despotis (2022). A FAIR COMPOSITION APPROACH IN NETWORK DATA ENVELOPMENT ANALYSIS, XVII EWEPA | PORTO, JUNE 27-29, 2022.
J. Dula, DK Despotis, G Koronakos (2021). Processing large scale DEA: The state-of-the-art. Informs Annual Meeting, Anaheim, CA, USA, October 24-27, 2021.
G Koronakos, J. Dula, DK Despotis (2021). Competing DEA procedures: Testing and comparisons. 31st European Conference on Operational Research-EURO 2021, July 11-14, 2021, Athens, Greece.
DK Despotis, G Koronakos, D Sotiros (2019). On the dominance property in Network Data Envelopment Analysis. EURO2019-30th European Conference on Operational Research, June 23-26, 2019, Dublin, Ireland.
D Sotiros, G Koronakos, M Silva, DK Despotis (2019). The composition approach in Network Data Envelopment Analysis for parallel stuctures. EURO2019-30th European Conference on Operational Research, June 23-26, 2019, Dublin, Ireland.
L Chytilova, G Koronakos, D Sotiros, DK Despotis (2019). Measuring the Research Performance of UK Computer Science Departments via Network DEA. 10th International Conference on Information, Intelligence, Systems and Applications, Patra, Greece, July 15-17, 2019.
D Sotiros, G Koronakos, Y Smirlis, DK Despotis (2018). Review and Improvements on OECD Better Life Index. DEA40-International Conference on Data Envelopment Analysis, April 16-18, 2018, Birmingham, UK.
DK Despotis, D Sotiros, G Koronakos (2018). Dominance at the divisional efficiencies level in network DEA: The case of two-stage processes. DEA40-International Conference on Data Envelopment Analysis, April 16-18, 2018, Birmingham, UK.
Despotis DK, Koronakos G, Sotiros D (2017). Restatement of different network DEA methods in a common modelling framework. DEA2017-15th International conference on Data Envelopment Analysis, June 26-29, 2017, Prague, CZ.
E Thanassoulis, D Sotiros, G Koronakos, DK Despotis (2017). ASSESSING THE COST-EFFECTIVENESS OF UNIVERSITY ACADEMIC RECRUITMENT AND PROMOTION POLICIES. HELORS2017, 6th International Symposium & 28th National Conference on Operational Research, Thessaloniki, Greece, June 8-10, 2017.
DK Despotis, G Koronakos, D Sotiros (2016).The "weak link" approach to network DEA: The case of two-stage processes. DEA2016-14th International conference on Data Envelopment Analysis, May 23-26, 2016, Wuhan, China.
DK Despotis, G Koronakos, D Sotiros (2015). A universal network DEA approach for series multi-stage processes. EURO 2015-27th European Conference on Operational Research, July 12-15, 2015, Glasgow, UK.
G Koronakos, D Sotiros, DK Despotis, D Apostolou (2015). Performance Evaluation of Academic Research Activity in a Greek University: A DEA approach. Proceedings: KES-IDT-2015 7the International Conference on Intelligent Decision Technologies, June 17-19, 2015, Sorrento, Italy, p.p. 373-384 (http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-319-19857-6_33).
DK Despotis, G Koronakos, D Sotiros (2015). A multi-objective programming approach to network DEA with an Application to the Assessment of the Academic Research Activity. ITQM 2015: International Conference on Information Technology and Quantitative Management, July 21-24, 2015, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
E. Thanassoulis, D. Sotiros, D. K. Despotis (2014). Assessing University Recruitment and Promotion Decisions from the cost perspective. DEA2014 Conference, April 14-17, 2014, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
E. Thanassoulis, D. Sotiros, D.K. Despotis, Y. Smirlis (2014) Estimating potential cost savings at academic staff member level. IFORS2014 Conference, July 13-18, 2014, Barcelona, Spain.
E. Thanassoulis, D. Sotiros, D.K. Despotis, Y. Smirlis (2014). Assessing research productivity in terms of endogeneity or exogeneity of academic salaries efficiency. Education Conference, September 19-20, 2014, London, UK.
D Sotiros, DK Despotis, Y Smirlis, G Koronakos (2013). Incorporating user preferences in DEA with ordinal regression. Proceedings of the XI Balkan Conference on Operational Research, September 7-10, 2013, Belgrade, Serbia, pp. 114-123.
A Mikeli, D Apostolou, D Despotis (2013). A Multi-criteria Recommendation Method for Interval Scaled Ratings. IEEE/WIC/ACM International Joint Conferences on Web Intelligence (WI) and Intelligent Agent Technologies (IAT), Atlanta, GA, USA.
A Mikeli, D Sotiros, D Apostolou, DK Despotis (2013). A multi-criteria recommender system incorporating intensity of preferences. Fourth International Conference on Information, Intelligence, Systems and Applications (IISA), 10-12 July 2013, Piraeus Greece.
Y Smirlis, DK Despotis (2013). Comparative analysis of public funding for Greek Universities: An ordinal DEA/MCDM approach. Proceedings of the ICDADM 2013 International Conference on Data Analysis and Decision Making, August 15-16, 2013, Venice, Italy, pp. 417-422.
Y. Smirlis, D. Sotiros, DK Despotis, G Koronakos (2013). Evaluation of research activity in Higher Education: A Data Envelopment Analysis approach. 2nd International Symposium and 24th National Conference on Operational Research, Athens, 26-28 Sept., 2013
G. Koronakos, D.K. Despotis (2013). A novel DEA approach to assess individual and overall efficiencies in two-stage processes. Proceedings of the DEA 2013 Conference, Samsun, Turkey.
D.K. Despotis, G. Koronakos (2013). Models for unbiased efficiency assessments in two-stage DEA. EURO 2013, 26the European Conference on Operational Research, Rome, Italy.
Despotis DK, Smirlis Y (2010). Reducing the effect of outliers on DEA efficiency assessments. Proceedings of the 4th Symposium on Data Envelopment Analysis,, Jiaosi, Taiwan, p.p. 70-75.
Despotis DK, Smirlis Y (2010). Handling Extreme Observations in Data Envelopment Analysis. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Stochastic Models in Reliability Engineering, Life Sciences and Operations Management, Beer Sheva, Israel, p.p. 180-189.
Despotis DK, Stamati LV (2009). Dealing with nonlinear value functions in data envelopment analysis. 21st Conference of the Hellenic Operational Research Society, Athens, Greece.
Smirlis Y, Stamati LV, Despotis DK (2009). Reducing the size of large scale Data Envelopment Analysis problems using Interval DEA . 23rd European Conference on Operational Research -EURO 2009, Bonn, Germany.
Stamati LV, Despotis DK, Smirlis Y (2009). Data envelopment analysis with nonlinear virtual inputs and outputs. 23rd European Conference on Operational Research -EURO 2009, Bonn, Germany.
Kastaniotis G, Maragos El, Dimitsas V, Douligeris C and Despotis DK (2007). Web Proxy Caching Object Replacement: Frontier Analysis to Discover the ‘Good-Enough’ Algorithms. Proceedings of MASCOTS'07, October 24-26, 2007 - Istanbul, Turkey (https://dl.dropbox.com/u/80926051/Published%20papers/Paper%20in%20Proceedings%20of%20MASCOTS%2007.pdf)
Stamati L, Despotis DK (2007).Measuring technological growth via DEA: A reassessment of the Technology Achievement Index. 22nd European Conference on Operational Research-EURO 2007, Prague, Czech Republic
Despotis DK and Derpanis D (2005). Estimating priorities in AHP with interval pair-wise judgments. Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference Mathematical Methods in Economics 2005, Hradec Kalove, Czech Republic, September 2005, pp. 53-57.
Kabassi K, Virvou M and Despotis DK (2003). Dynamic reasoning in an intelligent user interface by an index-maximizing LP model. Proceedings of the 2003 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Washington, D.C., USA, Vol. 1, pp. 792-797.
Maragos EK and Despotis DK (2003). Evaluation of High Schools performance: A data envelopment analysis approach. Proceedings of the APORS2003 International Conference, New Delhi, India, Vol. II. pp. 435-442
Papayannakis A, Tsoukias A, Pahinis Th and Despotis DK (2002). Evaluation model for the scenario comparison module of the DSS “ΣΕΘΑΜ”. Proceedings of the 6th Balkan Conference on Operational Research, Thessaloniki, Greece, May 2002.
Jablonsky J, Fiala P, Despotis DK and Smirlis J (2001). Data envelopment analysis with random inputs and outputs: simulation analysis. International Conference on Multicriteria Decision Analysis, Cairo, Egypt.
Despotis DK, Smirlis Y, Jablonsky J and Fiala P (2001). Imprecise DEA: Detecting “best-buys” in the market of prepaid mobile telephony in Greece. International Conference on Multicriteria Decision Analysis, Cairo, Egypt.
Despotis DK (1999). A multiobjective programming formulation of Data Envelopment Analysis: New considerations in relative efficiency assessments. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference of the Decision Sciences Institute, Athens, Greece 1999, p.p. 155-157
Smirlis Y, Despotis DK and Georgiakodis F (1999). Supporting product selection on the Web: A basis for consumer preference analysis. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference of the Decision Sciences Institute, Athens, Greece 1999, p.p. 373-375
Zopounidis C, Despotis DK and Kamenopoulos S (1995). The preference disaggregation approach to the problem of multicriteria choice: An application to car market analysis. Proceedings of the 3rd Balkan Conference on Operational Research, Thessaloniki, Greece, p.p. 51-64
Despotis DK (1993). Estimating priorities in hierarchical structures. Proceedings of the 2nd Balkan Conference on Operational Research, Thessaloniki, Greece, p.p. 185-196.
Despotis DK (2006). A goal programming approach to derive priorities of decision elements from imprecise judgments in the AHP framework. EURO XXI 2006 Conference, Reykjavik, Iceland.
Derpanis D and Despotis DK (2005). Imprecise Data Envelopment Analysis (IDEA): A Review and a New Approach. FIMXII-SCMA 2005 12th Annual Conference on Statistics, Combinatorics, Mathematics and Applications, Auburn, Alabama, USA
Derpanis D, Despotis DK and Alexandris N (2005). Approximate articulation of preferences in the Analytic Hierarchy Process: A min-max goal programming approach. FIMXII-SCMA 2005 12th Annual Conference on Statistics, Combinatorics, Mathematics and Applications, Auburn, Alabama, USA
Derpanis DV and Despotis DK (2005). Tightening input-output intervals in imprecise data envelopment analysis. ORBEL-19 Conference, Louvain-la –Neuve, Belgium.
Despotis DK (2004). Priority derivation in AHP with interval judgements. EURO XX-2004 Conference, Rhodes, Greece.
Despotis DK (2003). Human development in OECD: A data envelopment analysis assessment. EURO 2003 Conference, Istanbul, Turkey
Despotis DK and Smirlis Y (2002). Global efficiency scores in interval data envelopment analysis. IFORS 2002 Conference, Edinburgh, UK
Despotis DK and Smirlis Y (2001). Interval data envelopment analysis: Models and new application areas. ORBEL-15 Conference, Antwerp, Belgium.
Despotis DK and Smirlis YG (2001). Data envelopment analysis with imprecise data. 53rd EWG on Multicriteria Aid for Decisions, Athens, Greece.
Despotis DK (2000). Parametric analysis of global efficiencies in DEA. ORBEL- 14 Conference, Mons, Belgium.
Despotis DK and Smirlis Y (2000). Data Envelopment analysis with spreadsheets. EURO XVII Conference, Budapest, Hungary.
Despotis DK (2000). Improving the discrimination power of DEA: A Comparison of different approaches. EURO XVII Conference, Budapest, Hungary.
Fiala P, Jablonsky J, Smirlis Y and Despotis DK (2000). DEA with interval data: An application to the evaluation of branches of a Czech bank. IFORS SPC 10, Athens, Greece.
Alexandris N, Smirlis Y and Despotis DK (1999). Virtual opinion leader: A web based application to support product selection and analyse consumer preferences. IFORS-15 Conference, Beijing, China.
Despotis DK (1997). Analysis of preferences on a ratio scale: A fractional goal programming formulation. International Conference of Multicriteria Decision Making, Mons, Belgium.
Despotis DK (1995). Multiple criteria analysis of global preferences expressed on a ratio scale. EURO XIV Conference on Operations Research, Jerusalem, Israel.
Despotis DK (1995). An iterative solution method to the minmax GP model with fractional goals and some applications to MCDM. 41st EWG on Multicriteria Aid for Decisions, Lausanne, Switzerland.
Despotis DK, Panayiotopoulos A and Tserkezos D (1990). Analysis of macroeconomic policy alternatives via interactive multiobjective programming. IFORS 1990 Conference, Athens, Greece.
Despotis DK and Siskos Y (1989). Agricultural management using the ADELAIS software: A case study. EURO X Conference, Beograd, Yugoslavia.
Despotis DK and Siskos Y (1988). A multiobjective linear programming algorithm with satisfactory goals and interactive utility assessment. EURO IX-TIMS XXVIII Conference, Paris, France.
Editorial Boards
Data Envelopment Analysis Journal (2017- )
Journal of Statistics & Management Systems (2018- )
Journal of Information and Optimization Science (2007-2017)
International Journal of Multicriteria Decision Making (2010-2018 )
Conference Program/Organizing Committee/ Keynote Speaker
International Conference on Data Envelopment Analysis, BIMTECH, Greater Noida, Delhi, India, November 18 -21, 2024 (Scientific Committee).
13th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems (ICORES 2024), Rome, Italy, 24-26 February, 2024 (Program Committee).
International Conference on Data Envelopment Analysis, University of Surrey, Guildford, UK, September 4-6, 2023 (Scientific Committee).
MME2023: 41st International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Economics, September 13–15, 2023, Prague, Czech Republic (Keynote Speaker).
ISPEM 2023- IV International Conference on Intelligent Systems in Production Engineering and Maintenance, Wroclaw, Poland, September 13-15, 2023 (Scientific Committee).
International conference EME. Energy. Governance. Environment 2022, 17 March 2022, Wroclaw, Poland (Scientific Committee).
18th International conference on Data Envelopment Analysis, January 9-12, 2021, New Delhi, India (Scientific Committee)
20th Conference IFIP DS 2020, Wrocław, Poland, 24-26 June 2020 (Program Committee).
ISPEM 2018-The Second International Conference on Intelligent Systems in Production Engineering and Maintenance, Wrocław University of Science and Technology, Poland, 17-18.09.2018 (Program Committee,Track Chair-Project Management in Logistics and Production Systems)
DEA40 International Conference on Data Envelopment Analysis, Birmingham, UK, April 16-18, 2018 (Invited speaker).
15th International Conference on Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA2017), Prague, Czech Republic, June 26-29, 2017 (Scientific Committee)
14th International Conference on Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA2016), Wuhan, China, May 23-26, 2016 (Scientific Committee)
SMRLO’16: 2nd International Symposium on Stochastic Models in Reliability Engineering, Life Science and Operations Management, February 15-18, 2016, Beer Sheva, Israel (Scientific program committee).
International Conference on DEA in Economics and Finance 2015, June 4-6, 2015, Ostrava, Czech Republic (Keynote speaker).
13th International Conference on Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA2015), Technische Universität (TU) Braunschweig, Germany, August 24 to 27, 2015 (Scientific Committee)
Global Summit on Doing Business across the Continents, CENTRUM Católica Graduate Business School, Pontificia Universidad Católica del PerúFebruary 25-27,2015, Lima, Peru (International Advisory Committee).
IFORS 2014, 20th International Conference on Operational Research, July 2014, Barcelona, Spain (DEA and Performance Measurement stream organizer).
12th International Conference on Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA2014), April 14-17, 2014, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (scientific committee).
International conference on Competitiveness Evaluation and Conceptual Aspects,Lima, Perú, 27-29 August 2013 (International advisory committee)
IDT-2013, 5th KES International Conference on Intelligent Decision Technologies, Sesimbra, Portugal, 26-28 June, 2013 (Keynote speaker)
EURO 2013, 26th European Conference on Operational Research, Rome, Italy, July 1-4, 2013 (DEA and Performance Measurement Stream organizer)
International Conference on Optimization, Computing & Business Analytics (ICOCBA 2012), December 20th - 22nd, 2012, Kolkata, India (invited speaker).
11th International Conference on Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA2013), June 28-30, 2013, Samsun, Turkey (Scientific Committee)
International Conference on Business Performance Measurement and Management, September 11-13 2012, Lima, Peru (Advisory committee)
10th International Conference on Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA2012), August 27-30, 2012,Natal, Brazil (Scientific Committee)
EURO 2012, 25th European Conference on Operational Research, Vilnius, Lithuania, July 8-11, 2012 (DEA and Performance Measurement Stream co-organizer)
9th International Conference on Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA2011), August 25-27, 2011,Thessaloniki, Greece (Scientific Committee)
International Conference on Data Envelopment Analysis and Its Applications to Management, September 14-16, 2011, Lima, Peru (International Scientific and Advisory Committee)
EURO 2010, 24th European Conference on Operational Research, Lisbon, Portugal, July 11-14, 2010 (DEA and Performance Measurement Stream co-organizer)
SMRSSL’05 International Symposium on Stochastic Models in reliability, Safety, Security and Logistics, Negev Academic College of Engineering, Beer Sheva, Israel, February 2005 (Program Committee)
APORS2003 International Conference on Operational Research, New Delhi, India, December 2003 (Program/Organizing Committee)
10th IFORS SPC, Athens, Greece, April 2001 (Program Committee)
5th International Conference of the Decision Sciences Institute, Athens, July 1999 (Organizing Committee)
International Conference on Multicriteria Decision Making, Mons, Belgium, May 1997 (Program Committee)
11th National Conference on OR, Athens 1997 (Organizing Committee)
5th International Summer Scholl on Multicriteria Decision Aid, Chania, Crete July 4-16, 1994 (Program Committee/Instructor)
Scientific Societies
European Working Group on Multiple Criteria Decision Making
European Summer Institute Group on Multicriteria Analysis (ESIGMA)
International Society on Multiple Criteria Decision Making
British Operational Research Society
Hellenic Operational Research Society (member of the board 1995-1997)
Hellenic Mathematical Society
Operations Research
European Journal of Operational Research
Journal of the Operational Research Society
Journal of Productivity Analysis
International Transactions in Operational Research
Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis
Journal of Global Optimization (special issues)
Journal of Information Systems and Operational Research (special issues)
Computers and Operations Research
International Journal of Production Economics (special issues)
Fuzzy Sets and Systems
Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research
Central European Journal of Operational Research
Int. Journal of Information Technology and Decision Making
International Marketing Review
Asia Pacific Management Review
Computers & Industrial Engineering