Publications (Google Scholar Profile, Research Gate)

Google Scholar Profile Research Gate Profile (Usually more update)


  1. Ognibene, D.; Chinellato, E.; Sarabia, M.; Demiris, D.; Contextual action recognition and target localization with active allocation of attention on a humanoid robot. Bioinspiration & Biomimetics, (accepted)
  2. Pezzulo, G.; Ognibene D.. Proactive Action Preparation: Seeing Action Preparation as a Continuous and Proactive Process. Motor Control, 2012
  3. Ognibene, D.; Pezzulo, G.; Baldassarre, G.. A neuro-robotic system for studying the interaction between Active Vision and Active Learning. IEEE Transactions on Autonomous Mental Development, (under review)
  4. Ferro, M.; Ognibene, D.; Pezzulo, G.; Vito, P. Reading as active sensing: a computational model of gaze planning during word recognition. Frontiers in Neurorobotics, 2010, 4 (PDF)
  5. Petit, M.; Lallée, S.; Boucher, j.; Pointeau, G.; Cheminade, P.; Ognibene, D.; Chinellato, E.; Pattacini, U.; Gori, I.; Martinez-Hernandez, U.; Barron-Gonzalez, H.; Inderbitzin, M.; Luvizotto, A.; Vouloutsi, V.; Demiris, Y.; Metta, G.; Dominey, P.. The Coordinating Role of Language in Real-Time Multi-Modal Learning of Cooperative Tasks. Autonomous Mental Development, IEEE Transactions on, 2012, 4 (PDF)

PhD thesis

Ognibene, D. Ecological Adaptive Perception from a Neuro-Robotic perspective: theory, architecture and experiments. PhD Thesis. Genoa, Italy, May 2009 (PDF)


  1. Ognibene, D.; & Demiris, Y.. "Towards Active Event Perception", Proceedings of the 23rd International Joint Conference of Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2013), 2013 (draft) (camera ready) (official proceedings)
  2. Ognibene, D.; Catenacci Volpi, N.; Pezzulo, G .; & Baldassarre, G.; "Learning Epistemic Actions in Model-Free Memory-Free Reinforcement Learning: experiments with a neuro-robotic model", Proceedings of the Living Machines 2013, 2013 (camera ready)
  3. Chienallato, E.; Ognibene, D.; Sartori, L.; & Demiris, Y. "Time to change: deciding when to switch action plans during a social interaction", Proceedings of the Living Machines 2013, 2013
  4. Ognibene, D.; Chinellato, E.; Sarabia, M. & Demiris, Y.. "Towards Contextual Action Recognition and Target Localization with Active Allocation of Attention", Proceedings of Living Machines 2012, 2012
  5. Ognibene, D.; Catenacci Volpi, N.; Pezzulo, G. & Baldassarre, G.. Learning to grasp information with your own hands. TAROS2011, 2011
  6. Ognibene, D.; Pezzulo, G. & Baldassarre, G. Learning to Look in Different Environments: An Active-Vision Model which Learns and Readapts Visual Routines. Proceedings of the 11th Conference on Simulation of Adaptive Behaviour, 2010
  7. Ognibene, D.; Pezzulo, G.; Baldassarre, G.. How can bottom-up information shape learning of top-down attention control skills?. Proceedings of 9th International Conference on Development and Learning, 2010
  8. Ognibene, D.; Pezzulo, G.; Baldassare, G.. How are representations affected by scene statistics in an adaptive active vision system?. EpiRob 2009, Venice, Italy, November 12-14, 2009
  9. Ognibene, D.; Balkenius, C. & Baldassarre, G..Integrating Epistemic Action (Active Vision) and Pragmatic Action (Reaching): A Neural Architecture for Camera-Arm Robots. Minoru Asada and Jun Tani and John Hallam and Jean-Arcady Meyer (ed.). The tenth International Conference on the SIMULATION OF ADAPTIVE BEHAVIOR (SAB'08). Osaka, Japan. Springer. July 2008
  10. Ognibene, D.; Pezzulo, G.; Dindo, H.. Resources allocation in a Bayesian, schema-based model of distributed action control. NIPS-Workshop on Probabilistic Approaches for Robotics and Control. (Poster) Vancouver, B.C., Canada, December 11, 2009
  11. Herbort, O., Ognibene, O., Butz, M.V., Baldassarre, G. Learning to select targets within targets in reaching tasks. The 6th IEEE International Conference on Development and Learning (ICDL2007), 2007.
  12. Ognibene, D.; Mannella, F.; Pezzulo, G. & Baldassarre, G. Integrating Reinforcement-Learning, Accumulator Models, and Motor-Primitives to Study Action Selection and Reaching in Monkeys ICCM 2006, 2006
  13. Ognibene, D.; Rega, A. & Baldassarre, G. A Model of Reaching That Integrates Reinforcement Learning and Population Encoding of Postures From Animals to Animats 9, 9th International Conference on Simulation of Adaptive Behavior, SAB 2006, Rome, Italy, September 25-29, 2006, Proceedings., 2006
  14. Pezzulo G., Calvi G., Lalia D. and Ognibene D. Fuzzy-based Schema Mechanisms in AKIRA. CIMCA '05: Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Intelligence for Modelling, Control and Automation and International Conference on Intelligent Agents, Web Technologies and Internet Commerce Vol-2 (CIMCA-IAWTIC'06), IEEE Computer Society, (2005), 146-152.

Workshops, Seminaries, Abstracts

  1. Ognibene, D. and Demiris, Y. "Towards Active Events Perception", Computational Foundations of Perception and Action, Rochester, NY, June 1-3, 2012 (PDF abstract)
  2. Ognibene, D. and Demiris, Y. "Attentional shifts during action perception", AVA/BMVA Meeting on Biological and Computer Vision, Cambridge, UK, May 22, 2012 (PDF poster)
  3. Ognibene, D. "Learning, attention and decision making interaction in a robotic model". (poster) 10th International EMBL PhD Symposium, Heidelberg, Germany, 23rd-25th October 2008
  4. Ferrato, T.; Ognibene, D.; Caligiore, D. and Baldassarre, G.; “Trajectory learning through motor babbling: reaching with obstacle avoidance”, WIVACE 2007 - Workshop Italiano di Vita Artificiale e Computazione, Sampieri, Italy, 2007
  5. Ognibene D. and Baldassarre G., "Apprendimento per rinforzo e codifica tramite popolazione neurale: un modello per il reaching applicato a due task" ,WIVA3 - 3° Workshop Italiano Vita Artificial, Siena, Italy,September 13-15,2006


Ognibene, D.; Balkenius, C. & Baldassarre, G. A reinforcement-learning model of top-down attention based on a potential-action map. Pezzulo Giovanni, Rino Falcone, Castelfranchi Cristiano (ed.). The Anticipatory Approach. Berlin. Springer-Verlag. 2008