Meta Planning & Covert Attention

People in the field

Artificial Intelligence:

Cognitive science

  • Woleridge

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Related fields


  • computational resorce allocation
  • bounded reasoning
  • algorithm portfolio
  • metacognition
  • metaplanning
  • metareasoning
  • bounded cognition
  • bounded rationality
  • Bounded resources
  • bounded optimality
  • asympotic bounded optimality
  • anytime algorithm
  • optimal stopping problem
  • computation value
  • flexible computation
  • time-cost
  • deliberation control
  • time-dependent planning problems
  • sub-tree independence
  • deliberation scheduling
  • continual planning


Task usually used for benchmarking

  • planning in a maze with limited perception
    • zilberstein 1996
  • controlling a problem solving algorithm like travelsalesman
    • hansend & zilberstein 2001
  • realtime mail dispatch
  • Vehicle Routing Problem
    • Larson & Sandholm 2001
  • Single Manchine Manufacturing Scheduling
    • Larson & Sandholm 2001
  • robot courier
    • Boddy & Dean 1991
  • shooting gallery
    • Boddy & Dean 1991

Application field

  • control of probabilistic inference in medical decision making
  • browser precaching
  • smart compilers
  • real time autonomous agents
  • control of search (Russell&Wefald,1991)