Login Info

Office365 – Productivity software: Email, OneDrive, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Teams


Sign-In\Email Address: First 3 letters of the first name, first 3 letters of the last name, last 3 numbers of the student ID @bctcstudent.org. Example: John Smith with ID 177701234 = johsmi234@bctcstudent.org

 Password: All students have been reset to the standard format of bctcS followed by the full student ID. An example password using the example student from above would be bctcS177701234 . Please note that the S is capital and the password is case sensitive.

Schoology – Learning Management System


Sign-In\Email Address: First 3 letters of the first name, first 3 letters of the last name, last 3 numbers of the student ID @bctcstudent.org. Example: John Smith with ID 177701234 = johsmi234@bctcstudent.org

 Password: All students have been reset to the standard format of bctcS followed by the full student ID. An example password using the example student from above would be bctcS177701234 . Please note that the S is capital and the password is case sensitive.

eSchool Data – Student Management System/Grading software.

Students can log in themselves to check their grades. Below is the information students can use to log into the system.


Sign-In\Email Address: First 3 letters of the first name, first 3 letters of the last name, last 3 numbers of the student ID @bctcstudent.org. Example: John Smith with ID 177701234 = johsmi234@bctcstudent.org

 Password: All students have been reset to the standard format of bctcS followed by the full student ID. An example password using the example student from above would be bctcS177701234 . Please note that the S is capital and the password is case sensitive.

DTNA (Daimler Truck North America)


Many of your assignments will be on DTNA.  Mr. Heimbach will need to set up your account if you don't already have one.  Please keep track of your username and password.  If you lose your password please contact your instructor to have it reset.  

Ad Blocker

You might want to consider installing an ad-blocker on your browser.  Here are some recommended ones:  

Chrome: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm?hl=en-US