I am an Associate Professor in the Department of Economics at St. Francis Xavier University (Canada) and a fellow of the Rimini Center for Economic Analysis. My research focuses on macroeconomics, labor economics and the economics of education. In my scholarly work, I examine taxation, minimum wage policies, post-secondary education, wage inequality and the long-term consequences of recessions.
"Minimum Wage Effects on Human Capital Accumulation: Evidence from Canadian Data" (forthcoming) with Joniada Milla, Journal of Human Capital.
"The intergenerational effects of recessions" (forthcoming) with Bharat Diwakar*, Review of Income and Wealth.
"Gender wage gap in small islands: Effect of a policy framework in Mauritius" (2021) with Roshini Brizmohun* and Valentina Hartarska, Review of Development Economics.
"Progressive taxation and economic stability" (2021), Scandinavian Journal of Economics.
"Is post-secondary education a safe port and for whom? Evidence from Canadian data" (2018), Economics of Education Review.
"The business cycle human capital accumulation nexus and its effect on hours worked volatility" (2015) with Stephen Kosempel and Thanasis Stengos, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control.
*student co-authorship