Diana Contreras Suárez

               CONTACT DETAILS 

                Postal:  Melbourne Institute

                               Level 5, FBE Building (111 Barry Street)

                               The University of Melbourne

                               VIC 3010 Australia

                               Phone: +61 3 8344 3567

                Email:   diana.contreras@unimelb.edu.au

I am a senior research fellow at the Melbourne Institute: Applied Economic & Social Research at The University of Melbourne.

My research interest is driven by how public policy improves the lives of vulnerable and disadvantaged populations. My work has focused on understanding some of the mechanisms of human capital formation, in particular associated to health, education and employment.



                PhD Econometrics, Monash University

                M.Sc. Economics, Universidad Nacional de Colombia

                B.A. Economics, Universidad Nacional de Colombia


                Development Economics, Program Evaluation, and Health Economics

