Homepage of Daniel Garrett
I am a Professor of Economics at the University of Essex and a Fellow of the CEPR. I was previously a Professor at Toulouse School of Economics, where I am currently an Associate Faculty member. I got my PhD from Northwestern in 2012.
I have held an ERC Junior research grant (2017-2021; extended to June 2023) and have been selected for an ERC Consolidator research grant (2023 application year). I am an Associate Editor at the the Journal of the European Economic Association and the Review of Economic Studies.
You can reach me at dfgarrett@gmail.com or at d.garrett@essex.ac.uk.
Published papers
`Bidding in a Possibly Common-Value Auction,' with Yuk-fai Fong, Games and Economic Behavior, 2010, vol. 70, 494-501.
`Managerial Turnover in a Changing World,' with Alessandro Pavan, Journal of Political Economy, 2012, vol. 120, 879-925.
`Robustness of Simple Menus of Contracts in Cost-Based Procurement,' Games and Economic Behavior, 2014, vol. 87, 631-641.
`Dynamic Managerial Compensation: On the Optimality of Seniority Based Schemes,' with Alessandro Pavan, Journal of Economic Theory, 2015, vol. 159, 775-818.
`Intertemporal Price Discrimination: Dynamic Arrivals and Changing Values,' American Economic Review, 2016, vol. 106, 3275-3299 (winner of Distinguished CESifo Affiliate Award).
`Overbooking,' with Jeff Ely and Toomas Hinnosaar, Journal of the European Economic Association, 2017, vol. 15, 1258-1301 (Editor's Choice Collection of JEEA).
`Dynamic Mechanism Design: Dynamic Arrivals and Changing Values,' Games and Economic Behavior, 2017, vol. 104, 595-612.
`Residual Deterrence,' with Francesc Dilme, Journal of the European Economic Association, 2019, vol. 17, 1654-1686.
`Competitive Screening under Heterogeneous Information,' with Renato Gomes and Lucas Maestri, Review of Economic Studies, 2019, vol. 86, 1590-1630 (winner of the EARIE Young Economists Essay Award).
`Fake Sales: A Dynamic Pricing Perspective,' Japanese Economic Review, 2019, vol. 70, 375-382 (special issue of the APIOC).
`Payoff Implications of Incentive Contracting,' Theoretical Economics, 2021, vol. 16, 1281-1312 (winner of ESEM Award for best applied paper by a young economist).
`Oligopoly Under Incomplete Information: On the Welfare Effects of Price Discrimination,' with Renato Gomes and Lucas Maestri, International Journal of Industrial Organization, 2021, vol. 79, 102735.
`Ready to Trade? On Budget-Balanced Efficient Trade with Uncertain Arrival,' Games and Economic Behavior, 2023, vol. 138, 161-170.
`Relational Contracts: Public versus Private Savings' with Francesc Dilme. Online Appendix; Econometrica, 2023, vol. 91, 1025-1075.
`Optimal Technology Design' with George Georgiadis, Alex Smolin and Balazs Szentes. Risk-averse case. Journal of Economic Theory, 2023, vol. 209, 105621.
Working papers
`A Dynamic Theory of Random Price Discounts' with Francesc Dilme; R&R at Review of Economic Studies. Online Appendix.
`Robust Predictions in Dynamic Screening' with Alessandro Pavan and Juuso Toikka.
`Regulating Investments when both Cost and Need are Private' with Elena Panova.