Digital Dewey

Welcome, where we've used Dewey to curate for school librarians who refuse to settle for the mundane!

Get ready to dive headfirst into a collection of the best resources, organized by people who take their caffeine intake as seriously as their knowledge. From ancient scrolls to the AI tools, we've got it all - because who needs an educational snooze fest?

This curation of websites are free to use, ideally don't require any sort of sign in, and does what librarians love the most - share information freely!

So, grab your metaphorical (or literal) popcorn, and let's turn the classroom into a stage for learning that's as snarky as a librarian who's secretly judging your book choices. Because who says education can't be a little rebellious? 

Dewey Browse was originally created by Gail Grainger, now a retired New Hampshire School Librarian. 

It was redesigned and now maintained by Jessica Gilcreast, Bedford High School Librarian in New Hampshire. 

If you have a website suggestion, please contact me. I'd love to hear from you!

Why Dewey? The Dewey Decimal System may or may not be alive and well in your library. Are you a librarian? Considering ditching Dewey or moving to Dewey Lite? 

Regardless of what you choose, browsing Dewey online IS a useful resource for you and your students! Browsing any version of Dewey can inspire students to explore a new section of the library.