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Typology of adjectives benchmark for compositional distributional models - By D. Ryzhova, M. Kyuseva, and D. Paperno. 10th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference, 2016.

RUSSE: The First Workshop on Russian Semantic Similarity - [the first page is a Russian abstract, followed by the text in English] A. Panchenko, N. Loukashevitch, D. Ustalov, D. Paperno, C. Meyer, N. Konstantinova. RUSSE: The First Workshop on Russian Semantic Similarity. In Proceedings of Dialog 2015.

Nominal coercion in space: Mass/count nouns and distributional semantics. - M.Hurlimann, R. Bernardi and D. Paperno. To appear. Proceedings of CLIC-IT 2014.

Negative concord items in Russian - Abstract of the paper presented at the 5th Slavic Linguistics Society meeting

Leveraging preposition ambiguity to assess compositional distributional models of semantics - S. Ritter, C. Long, D. Paperno, M. Baroni, M. Botvinick and A. Goldberg. 2015. Leveraging preposition ambiguity to assess compositional distributional models of semantics. Proceedings of *SEM 2015 (Fourth Joint Conference on Lexical and Computational Semantics), East Stroudsburg PA: ACL, 199-204.

Grammatical Sketch of Beng - Mandenkan n° 51 - 2014

Distributional Semantics in Use - R. Bernardi, G. Boleda, R. Fernandez and D. Paperno. 2015. Distributional semantics in use. Proceedings of LSD 2015 (First Workshop on Linking Computational Models of Lexical, Sentential and Discourse-level Semantics), East Stroudsburg PA: ACL, 95-101.

Corpus-based estimates of word association predict biases in judgment of word co-occurrence likelihood. - D. Paperno, M. Marelli, K. Tentori and M. Baroni. 2014. Cognitive Psychology 74: 66-83.

Conjunction is parallel processing - Proceeding of SALT 22

Comitative Coordination in Q'anjob'al - Comitative Coordination in Q'anjob'al

Breeds of Cooccurrence - By D. Paperno, A. Roytberg, D. Khachko, and M. Roytberg. In Proceedings of Dialog 2013.

A practical and linguistically-motivated approach to compositional distributional semantics. - D. Paperno, N. Pham and M. Baroni. 2014. Proceedings of ACL 2014 (52nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics), East Stroudsburg PA: ACL, 90-99.

A note on invariance of grammatical categories - In Theories of Everything. In Honor of Ed Keenan. UCLA Working Papers in Linguistics, no.17, 2012