Personal Info
Dr. Haydar Demirhan
Mathematical Sciences, School of Science, RMIT University, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.
Phone : +61 (3) 9925 2729
E@mail :
Academic Degrees
Docent in Statistics, 2013, Interuniversity Council, Republic of Turkey.
PhD in Statistics, 2009, Hacettepe University, Institute of Natural Sciences, Statistics Division.
PhD Thesis Title: Bayesian Approaches to the Mixed Logarithmic Linear Models.
MSc in Statistics, 2004, Hacettepe University, Institute of Natural Sciences, Statistics Division.
MSc Thesis Title: Bayesian Estimation of The Parameters and Expected Cell Counts in Logarithmic Linear Models.
BSc in Statistics, 2002, Hacettepe University, Faculty of Science, Department of Statistics.
Academic Experience
2020 - , Senior Lecturer of Analytics, RMIT University, School of Science, Mathematical Sciences.
2016 - 2020, Lecturer of Analytics, RMIT University, School of Science, Mathematical Sciences.
2013 - 2016, Docent, Hacettepe University, Faculty of Science, Department of Statistics.
2013 - 2016, Member of the Board of Directors, Hacettepe University, Psychometrics Research Center.
FEB 2013 - SEP 2013, Assistant Professor, Hacettepe University, Faculty of Science, Department of Statistics.
2009 - 2013, Lecturer, Hacettepe University, Faculty of Science, Department of Statistics.
2002 - 2009, Research Assistant, Hacettepe University, Faculty of Science, Department of Statistics.
@RMIT University
MATH2305 APPLIED BAYESIAN STATISTICS: Semester 2, 2016, 2020, 2022, 2024
MATH2269 APPLIED BAYESIAN STATISTICS: Semester 2, 2016, 2018, 2020, 2022, 2024
MATH1318 TIME SERIES ANALYSIS: Semester 1, 2017 - 2019, 2021 - 2025
MATH1307 FORECASTING: Semester 2, 2017
@Hacettepe University
IST286 ISTATISTIK (STATISTICS) : Fall, 2009 - 2011; Spring, 2013, 2014
IST218 OLASILIK (PROBABILITY) : Fall, 2009 - 2013;
IST491 İLERİ İSTATİSTİK PROJELERİ (ADVANCED STATISTICS PROJECTS) I: Fall, 2009, 2013 - 2015; Spring, 2011- 2015;
IST285 OLASILIK (PROBABILITY) : Spring, 2011; Fall 2012 - 2014;
IST287 PROBABILITY: Fall, 2013;
IST333 BAYESCİ İSTATİSTİK (BAYESIAN STATISTICS) : Spring, 2011 - 2013; Fall, 2013 - 2015;
IST704 OLASILIK (PROBABILITY) : Spring 2014, 2015;
Research interests
Bayesian inference, fuzzy regression and classification, artificial intelligence, categorical data analysis, and environmental informatics.
1. Demirhan, H., Hamurkaroglu, C., An Introduction to Statistical Methods, Hacettepe University Press, Ankara, 2015 (In Turkish; Eds: 2011, 2013, 2015; ISBN: 978-975-491-325-5).
Research Papers
82. Charizanos, G., Demirhan, H., Icen, D., 2025, Binary Classification with Fuzzy-Bayesian Logistic Regression Using Gaussian Fuzzy Numbers, Intelligent Systems with Applications, 26, 200494 (ESCI; SCOPUS SJR-Q1)
81. Demirhan, H., 2025, Mixed fuzzy C-means clustering, Information Sciences, 690, 121528 (SCI-IF: 8.1 - Q1; SCOPUS SJR-Q1 - Top 5%).
80. Lin, L., Demirhan, H., Stone, L., 2025, Evaluating the effectiveness of vaccination campaigns: Insights from Unvaccinated Mortality Data, Infectious Disease Modelling, 10, 1, 365-373 (SCIE-IF: 3.0; SCOPUS SJR-Q1)
79. Demirhan, H., 2025, A deep learning framework for prediction of crop yield in Australia under the impact of climate change, Information Processing in Agriculture, 12, 1, 125-138 (SCI-IF: 10.6 - Q1; SCOPUS SJR-Q1).
78. Chakravarty, S. Demirhan, H., Baser F., 2024, Robust estimation of global horizontal irradiance with modified fuzzy regression functions with a noise cluster in Australia, Energy Conversion and Management: X, 23, 100677 (SCIE-IF: 7.1; SCOPUS SJR-Q1 - Top 7%).
77. Avilov, K.K., Li, Q., Lin, L., Demirhan, H,., Stone, L., He, D., 2024, The 1978 English boarding school influenza outbreak: where the classic SEIR model fails, Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 21: 20240394 (SCIE-IF: 3.7; SCOPUS SJR-Q1).
76. Charizanos, G., Demirhan, H., Icen, D., 2024, Binary classification with fuzzy logistic regression under class imbalance and complete separation in clinical studies, BMC Medical Research Methodology, 24, Article number: 145 (SCI-IF: 3.9 - Q1; SCOPUS SJR-Q1, Top 10%).
75. Charizanos, G., Demirhan, H., Icen, D., 2024, An Online Fuzzy Fraud Detection Framework for Credit Card Transactions, Expert Systems With Applications, Volume 252, Part A, 124127 (SCI-IF: 7.5 - Q1; SCOPUS SJR-Q1 - Top 4%).
74. Demirhan, H., Baser, F., 2024, Hierarchical Fuzzy Regression Functions for Mixed Predictors and an Application to Real Estate Price Prediction, Neural Computing and Applications, 36:11545–11561 (SCI-IF: 6.0 - Q1; SCOPUS SJR-Q1).
73. Lope, D.J., Demirhan, H., 2024, JAGS model specification for spatiotemporal epidemiological modelling, Spatial and Spatio-temporal Epidemiology, 49, June, 100645 (SCIE-IF: 3.4; SCOPUS SJR-Q1).
72. Lin, L., Demirhan, H., Johnstone-Robertson S.P., Lal R., Trauer, J.M., Stone, L., 2024, Assessing the impact of Australia's mass vaccination campaigns over the Delta and Omicron outbreaks, PLoS ONE, 19(4): e029984, (SCI-IF: 3.2; SCOPUS SJR-Q1).
71. Charizanos, G., Demirhan, H., Icen, D., 2024, A Monte Carlo Fuzzy Logistic Regression Framework Against Imbalance and Separation, Information Sciences, Volume 655, 119893 (SCI-IF: 8.1 - Q1; SCOPUS SJR-Q1 - Top 5%).
70. Yilmaz, A.E., Demirhan, H., 2023, Weighted kappa measures for ordinal multi-class classification performance, Applied Soft Computing, Article number: 110020 (SCI-IF: 7.2; SCOPUS SJR-Q1 - Top 10%).
69. Demirhan, H., Yilmaz, A.E., 2023, Detection of grey zones in inter-rater agreement studies, BMC Medical Research Methodology, 23, Article number: 3 (SCI-IF: 3.9 - Q1; SCOPUS SJR-Q1, Top 10%).
68. He, D., Lin, L., Artzy-Randrup, Y., Demirhan, H., Cowling, B.J., Stone, L., 2023, Resolving the enigma of Iquitos and Manaus: A modelling analysis of multiple COVID-19 epidemic waves in two Amazonian cities, PNAS - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 120 (10), e2211422120 (SCI-IF: 12.8 - Q1; SCOPUS SJR-Q1, Top 3%).
67. Charizanos, G., Demirhan, H., 2023, Bayesian Prediction of Wildfire Event Probability Using Normalized Difference Vegetation Index Data From an Australian Forest, Ecological Informatics, 73, 101899. (SCI-IF: 4.5 - Q1; SCOPUS SJR-Q1).
66. Lope, D.J., Demirhan, H., 2022, Spatiotemporal Bayesian estimation of the number of under-reported COVID-19 cases in Victoria Australia. PeerJ 10:e14184 (SCIE-IF: 3.1; SCOPUS SJR-Q1).
65. Lope, D.J., Demirhan, H., Dolgun A.,2022, Bayesian estimation of the effect of health inequality in disease detection, International Journal for Equity in Health, 21:118 (SCIE-IF: 2.4; SCOPUS SJR-Q1 - Top 10%).
64. Chakravarty, S. Demirhan, H., Baser F., 2022, Robust Wind Speed Estimation with Modified Fuzzy Regression Functions with a Noise Cluster, Energy Conversion and Management, 266, 115815 (SCIE-IF: 9.7; SCOPUS SJR-Q1 - Top 3%).
63. Chakravarty, S. Demirhan, H., Baser F., 2022, Modified Fuzzy Regression Functions with a Noise Cluster Against Outlier Contamination, Expert Systems With Applications, 205, 117717 (SCI-IF: 7.5 - Q1; SCOPUS SJR-Q1 - Top 4%).
62. Demirhan, H., 2022, Solar photovoltaic utilization in electricity generation to tackle climate change, Journal of Environmental Informatics, 40, 1, 41-55 (SCI-IF: 10.2 - Q1; SCOPUS SJR-Q1 - Top 10%).
61. Ristic, B., Skvortsov, A., Arulampalam, S., Demirhan, H., Kim, D.Y., 2022, Solving the datum search as a partially observed stochastic game, IEEE Access, 10, 30762-30769 (SCI-IF: 3.4 - Q1; SCOPUS SJR-Q1).
60. Suleiman, M., Demirhan, H., Boyd, L., Girosi, F., Aksakalli, V., 2022, Bayesian prediction of Emergency Department wait time, Health Care Management Science, 25, 275-290 (SCI-IF: 3.4; SCOPUS SJR-Q1).
59. Tran, D., Demirhan, H., Dolgun, A., 2021, Bayesian approaches to the weighted kappa-like inter-rater agreement measures, Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 30, 10, 2329-2351. (SCI-IF: 2.2 - Q1; SCOPUS SJR-Q1).
58. Tran, D., Dolgun, A., Demirhan, H., 2021, The impact of grey zones on the accuracy of agreement measures for ordinal tables, BMC Medical Research Methodology, 21:70, DOI: 0.1186/s12874-021-01248-3. (SCI-IF: 3.9 - Q1; SCOPUS SJR-Q1, Top 10%).
57. Kodikara, S., Demirhan, H., Wang, Y., Stone, L., 2021, Inferring extinction date of a species using non-homogeneous Poisson processes with a change-point, Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 12, 3, 530-538 (SCI-IF: 7.8; SCOPUS SJR-Q1 - Top 1%).
56. Suleiman, M., Demirhan, H., Boyd, L., Girosi, F., Aksakalli, V., 2020, A clinical coding recommender system, Knowledge-Based Systems, 210, 106455 (SCI-IF: 8.0; SCOPUS SJR-Q1 - Top 10%).
55. Chakravarty, S. Demirhan, H., Baser F., 2020, Fuzzy regression functions with a noise cluster and the impact of outliers on mainstream machine learning methods in the regression setting, Applied Soft Computing, 96, 106535 (SCI-IF: 7.2; SCOPUS SJR-Q1 - Top 10%).
54. Demirhan, H., 2020. Impact of increasing temperature anomalies and carbon dioxide emissions on wheat production, Science of the Total Environment, 741, 139616 (SCI-IF: 7.96; SCOPUS SJR-Q1 - Top 4%).
53. Firestone, S.M., Hayama, Y., Lau, M., Yamamoto, T., Nishi, T., Bradhurst, R.A., Demirhan, H., Stevenson, M.A., Tsutsui, T., 2020, Transmission network reconstruction for foot-and-mouth disease outbreaks incorporating farm-level covariates, PLoS ONE, 15 (7), e0235660 (SCI-IF: 3.2; SCOPUS SJR-Q1).
52. Kodikara, S., Demirhan, H., Wang, Y., Solow, A., Stone, L., 2020, Inferring extinction year using a Bayesian approach, Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 11, 8, 964-973 (SCI-IF: 7.8; SCOPUS SJR-Q1 - Top 1%).
51. Demirhan, H., 2020, dLagM: An R package for distributed lag models and ARDL bounds testing, PLoS ONE, 15(2): e0228812 (SCI-IF: 3.2; SCOPUS SJR-Q1).
50. Suleiman, M., Demirhan, H., Boyd, L., Girosi, F., Aksakalli, V., 2020, Incorporation of expert knowledge in the statistical detection of Diagnosis Related Group misclassification, International Journal of Medical Informatics, 136, 104086, (SCI-IF: 4.1; SCOPUS SJR-Q1).
49. Thompson, C.J., Kodikara, S., Burgman, M.A., Demirhan, H., Stone, L., 2020, Using survival theory models to quantify extinctions, Biological Conservation, 241, 108345, (SCI-IF: 7.5 - Q1; SCOPUS SJR-Q1 - Top 2%).
48. Tran, D., Dolgun, A., Demirhan, H., 2020, Weighted inter-rater agreement measures for ordinal outcomes, Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation, 49, 4, 989-1003 (SCI-IF: 0.7 - Q3; SCOPUS SJR-Q3).
47. Andiojaya, A., Demirhan, H., 2019, A bagging algorithm for the imputation of missing values in time series, Expert Systems with Applications, 129, 10-26 (SCI-IF: 7.5 - Q1; SCOPUS SJR-Q1 - Top 4%).
46. Dolgun, A., Demirhan, H., Gill, A., Grieger, D., Stylianou, S., Georgiou, S., 2019, A new rank sensitivity metric for decision support, Statistics and Its Interface, 12, 573-583 (SCI-IF: 0.59; SCOPUS SJR-Q3).
45. Thompson, C.J., Kodikara, S., Burgman, M.A., Demirhan, H., Stone, L., 2019, Bayesian updating to estimate extinction from sequential observation data, Biological Conservation, 229, 26-29 (SCI-IF: 7.497 - Q1; SCOPUS SJR-Q1 - Top 2%).
44. Demirhan, H., Renwick, Zoe., 2018, Missing value imputation for short to mid-term horizontal solar irradiance data, Applied Energy, 225, 998-1012 (SCI-IF: 11.446 - Q1; SCOPUS SJR-Q1 - Top 1%).
43. Suleiman, M., Demirhan, H., Boyd, L., Girosi, F., Aksakalli, V., Bayesian logistic regression approaches to predict incorrect DRG assignment, Health Care Management Science, Published online (SCI-IF: 3.438; SCOPUS SJR-Q1).
42. Kodikara, S.K., Demirhan, H., Stone, L., 2018, Inferring about the extinction of a species using certain and uncertain sightings, Journal of Theoretical Biology, 442, 98-108 (SCI-IF: 2.691; SCOPUS SJR-Q1).
41. Demirhan, H.,2018, A generalized Gumbel distribution and its parameter estimation, Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation, 47, 10, 2829-2848 (SCI-IF: 0.651; SCOPUS SJR-Q3).
40. Demirhan, H., Bitirim, N., 2017, A simulation study on the accuracy of cryptographic randomness tests, SIMULATION: Transactions of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International, 93, 12, 1113 - 1122 (SCI-IF: 1.699; SCOPUS SJR-Q2).
39. Kalaylioglu, Z., Demirhan, H., 2017 A joint Bayesian approach for the analysis of response measured at a primary endpoint and longitudinal measurements, Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 26, 6, 2885 - 2896 (SCI-IF: 2.24; SCOPUS SJR-Q1).
38. Cakmakyapan, S., Demirhan, H., 2017, A Monte Carlo based pseudo coefficient of determination for generalized linear models with binary outcome, Journal of Applied Statistics, 44, 14, 2458-2482 (SCIE-IF: 1.416; SCOPUS SJR-Q2).
37. Dolgun, A., Demirhan, H., 2017, Performance of nonparametric multiple comparison tests under heteroscedasticity, dependency, and skewed error distribution, Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation, 46, 7, 5166-5183 (SCIE-IF: 0.651; SCOPUS SJR-Q3).
36. Baser, F., Demirhan, H., 2017, A fuzzy regression with support vector machine approach to the estimation of horizontal global solar radiation, Energy, 123, 229-204 (SCI-IF: 7.147; SCOPUS SJR-Q1 - Top 2%).
35. Ata Tutkun, N., Demirhan, H., 2016, A Bayesian Approach to Cox-Gompertz Model, Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics, 45(5), 1621-1640 (SCIE-IF: 0.94; SCOPUS SJR-Q3).
34. Demirhan, H., Demirhan, K., 2016, A Bayesian approach for the estimation of probability distributions under finite sample space, Statistical Papers, 57, 3, 589-603 (SCIE-IF: 2.234, SCOPUS SJR-Q1).
33. Demirhan, H., 2016, rTableICC: An R package for random generation of 2x2xK and RxC contingency tables, The R Journal, 8, 1, 48-63(SCIE-IF: 1.673; SCOPUS SJR-Q1 - Top 10%).
32. Demirhan, H., Bitirim, N., 2016, CryptRndTest: An RPackage for Testing the Cryptographic Randomness, The R Journal, 8, 1, 233-247 (SCIE-IF: 1.673; SCOPUS SJR-Q1- Top 10%).
31. Demirhan, H., Bitirim, N., 2016, Statistical Testing of Cryptographic Randomness, Journal of Statisticians: Statistics and Actuarial Sciences, 9 (1), 1-11 (CIS-CORE).
30. Icen, D., Demirhan, H., 2016, Error measures for fuzzy linear regression: Monte Carlo simulation approach, Applied Soft Computing, 46, 104-114 (SCIE-IF: 7.2; SCOPUS SJR-Q1 - Top 10%).
29. Demirhan, H., Atilgan Kayhan, Y., 2015, New Horizontal Global Solar Radiation Estimation Models for Turkey based on Robust Coplot Supported Genetic Programming Technique, Energy Conversion and Management, 106, 1013-1023 (SCIE-IF: 9.709; SCOPUS SJR-Q1 - Top 3%).
28. Dickhaus, T., Stange, J., Demirhan, H., 2015, On an extended interpretation of linkage disequilibrium in genetic case-control association studies, Statistical Applications in Genetics and Molecular Biology, 14, 5, 497-505 (SCIE-IF: 067; SCOPUS SJR-Q3).
27. Demirhan, H., Kalaylioglu, Z., 2015, On the generalized multivariate Gumbel distribution, Statistics and Probability Letters, 103, 93-99 (SCIE-IF: 0.73; SCOPUS SJR-Q3).
26. Demirhan, H., Kalaylıoglu, Z., 2015, Joint prior distributions for variance parameters in normal hierarchical models, Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 135, 163-174 (SCI-IF: 1.473; SCOPUS SJR-Q1).
25. Öktem, M.K., Demirhan, K., Demirhan, H., 2014, The usage of e-governance applications by higher education students, Educational Sciences: Theory & Practice, Volume 14/5, 1925-1943 (SSCI-IF: 0.347; SCOPUS SJR-Q3).
24. Demirhan, H., 2014, The problem of multicollinearity in horizontal solar radiation estimation models and a new model for Turkey, Energy Conversion and Management, 84, 334-345 (SCIE-IF: 9.709; SCOPUS SJR-Q1 - Top 3%).
23. Yılmaz, M., Demirhan, H., 2014, Variables predicting prospective biology teachers’ acceptance perceptions regarding gene technology, European Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 2, 3, 147-154 (Indexed in ASOS, SCOPUS SJR-Q4).
22. Demirhan, H., Hamurkaroğlu, C, 2014, Bayesian X-bar control limits for exponentially distributed measurements, Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 84, 628-643 (SCIE-IF: 0.767; SCOPUS SJR-Q2).
21. Ata, N., Demirhan, H., 2014, A Simulation Study on Cox Regression with Weighted Estimations, Electronic Journal of Applied Statistical Analysis, 7, 1, 26-36 (SCOPUS SJR-Q3).
20. Demirhan, H., 2013, Bayesian estimation of order-restricted and unrestricted association models, Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 121, 109-126 (SCI-IF: 1.473; SCOPUS SJR-Q1).
19. Demirhan, H., 2013, Bayesian estimation of log odds ratios over two-way contingency tables with intraclass correlated cells, Journal of Applied Statistics, 40, 10, 2303-2316 (SCIE-IF: 0.417; SCOPUS SJR-Q2).
18. Demirhan, H., Demirhan Parlak, Y., Bacanlı, S., 2013, Power Comparisons for Group-Sequential Tests with Nonparametric Statistics in Case of Nonproportional Hazards, Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics, 23, 2, 447-460 (SCIE-IF: 0.587; SCOPUS SJR-Q2).
17. Demirhan, H., Menteş, T., Atilla, M., 2013, Statistical comparison of global solar radiation estimation models over Turkey, Energy Conversion and Management, 68, 141-148 (SCIE-IF: 9.709; SCOPUS SJR-Q1 - Top 3%).
16. Ata, N., Demirhan, H., 2013, Weighted Estimation in Cox Regression Model: An Application to Breast Cancer Data, Gazi University Journal of Science, 26, 1, 63 - 72 (SCOPUS SJR-Q3).
15. Satıcı, E., Demirhan, H., 2012, Use of generalized maximum entropy estimation for freight flows modeling and an application, Journal of Data Science, 10, 75-86 (Indexed in Current Index to Statistics Core).
14. Demirhan, H., Hamurkaroğlu, C., 2011, On a multivariate log-gamma distribution and the use of the distribution in the Bayesian analysis, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 141, 1141-1152 (SCI-IF: 1.12; SCOPUS SJR-Q2). Wikipedia entry for Generalized multivariate log-gamma distribution
13. Demirhan, H., 2011, Latent Class Analysis for Models with Error of Measurement Using Log-Linear Models and An Application to Women's Liberation Data, Journal of Data Science, 9, 1, 43 - 54 (Indexed in Current Index to Statistics Core).
12. Demirhan, H., Dolgun, N.A. Demirhan Parlak, Y., Dolgun, M.Ö., 2010, Performance of Some Multiple Comparison Tests Under Heteroscedasticity and Dependency, Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 80, 10, 1083 - 1100 (SCIE-IF: 0.767; SCOPUS SJR-Q2).
11. Özmen, İ., Demirhan, H., 2010, A Bayesian Approach for Zero-Inflated Count Regression Models by Using Reversible Jump Markov Chain Monte Carlo Method and an Application, Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, 39, 2109-2127(SCIE-IF: 0.893; SCOPUS SJR-Q3).
10. Demirhan, H., Hamurkaroğlu, C., 2009, A Bayesian model averaging approach to the dumping severity data over hierarchical log-linear models, İstatistikçiler Dergisi, 2, 82-88 (Indexed in Current Index to Statistics Core).
9. Doğan, C., Demirhan, H., 2009, Analysis of tax incomes of Turkey between 1980 and 2008 by using Box-Jenkins models, Vergi Dünyası, 29 (339), 127-136.
8. Doğan, C., Demirhan, H., 2009, The quantitative and qualitative analysis of tax revenues of Turkish tax system between 1951-2008, Finans Politik & Ekonomik Yorumlar, 46 (535), 67-80 (ASOS index).
7. Demirhan Parlak, Y., Demirhan, H., Bacanlı, S., 2009, A Simulation Study on Power Comparisons for Group-Sequential Tests of Non-Parametric Statistics, Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 79, 6, 769-785 (SCIE-IF: 0.635; SCOPUS SJR-Q2).
6. Demirhan, H., Hamurkaroglu, C., 2009, An Application of Bayesian Model Averaging Approach to Traffic Accidents Data Over Hierarchical Log-Linear Models, Journal of Data Science, 7, 497-511 (Indexed in Current Index to Statistics Core).
5. Demirhan, H., Hamurkaroglu, C., 2008, Bayesian Estimation of Log Odds Ratios From R x C and 2 x 2x K Contingency Tables, Statistica Neerlandica, 62, 3, 405-424 (SCIE-IF: 1.22; SCOPUS SJR-Q2).
4. Demirhan, H., Hamurkaroglu, C., 2007, Bayesian Estimation of Expected Cell Counts by Using R, InterStat, September, 3 (Indexed in Current Index to Statistics Core).
3. Bayram, N., Thorburn, D., Demirhan, H., Bilgel, N., 2007, Quality of life among Turkish immigrants in Sweden, Quality of Life Research, 16, 8, 1319 - 1333 (SCI-IF: 3.48; SCOPUS SJR-Q1).
2. Demirhan, H., Hamurkaroglu, C., 2006, Specification of hyper-parameters for normal prior distributions induced on log-linear parameters, Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics, B35, 1, 91-102 (Indexed in Current Index to Statistics Core; SCOPUS SJR-Q3).
1. Demirhan, H., Hamurkaroglu, C., 2006, A Bayesian approach to the estimation of expected cell counts by using log linear models, Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, 35, 2, 325-335 (SCIE-IF: 0.893; SCOPUS SJR-Q3).
Distribution of research papers across the quartiles of 2020 SCOPUS SJR scores: Q1: 41 (64%), Q2: 9 (15%), Q3: 13 (20%), Q4: 1 (2%).
Invited Talk
4. Demirhan H., Statistical modelling for Covid Data with Perspectives on Data Gathering Processes, 13th International Data Science and Statistics Congress IDSC 2024, Turkish Statistical Association, October 15-17, 2024.
3. Demirhan H., Bitirim N., On the Statistical Qualities of Cryptographic Randomness Tests, 3rd International Conference on Applied Mathematics and Computational Methods , November 28-30, 2015, Bratislava, Slovakia.
2. Demirhan H., Use of the Sequential Nature of Bayes' Theorem in the Construction of Quality Control Charts, The 13th Annual Conference of the European Network for Business and Industrial Statistics - ENBIS 13 , September 15-19, 2013, ANKARA.
1. Demirhan H., A Generalized Multivariate Log-gamma Prior and an Application to Unemployment Data Set, Yeditepe International Research Conference on Bayesian Learning- YIRCoBl'11 , June 15-17, 2011, ISTANBUL.
Oral Presentation
19. Kodikara, S., Demirhan H., Wang, Y., Stone, L., Inferring Extinction Probability of Species using Bayesian Modeling, 2018 Annual Meeting of the Society for Mathematical Biology & the Japanese Society for Mathematical Biology, 8 – 12 July 2018, Sydney, AUSTRALIA.
18. Demirhan H.,, Baser, F., A fuzzy regression approach to the estimation of horizontal global solar radiation, 2nd International Conference on New Energy and Applications, 02 – 04 November 2017, Tokyo, JAPAN.
17. Cakmakyapan, S., Demirhan H., A new pseudo coefficient of determination for generalized linear models, Australian Statistical Conference 2016, December 5-9, 2016, Canberra, ACT, AUSTRALIA.
16. Demirhan H., Bitirim, N. CryptRndTest: Kriptografik Rasgeleliğin Testi için Bir R Paketi, Uluslararası 9. İstatistik Kongresi, October 28-November 01, 2015, Antalya, TÜRKİYE.
15. Demirhan H., Bitirim, N. Hypothesis testing and multiplicity in the evaluation of cryptographic randomness, The 15th Central European Conference on Cryptology, July 08-10, 2015, Klagenfurt, AUSTRIA.
14. Kalaylıoğlu, Z., Demirhan H., Joint variance prior for the analysis of random effects models, The 8th Conference of Eastern Mediterranean Region of International Biometric Society, May 11-15, 2015, Nevsehir, TURKEY.
13. Demirhan H.,, Kayhan Atılgan, Y. Determination of Correlated Covariates for Horizontal Solar Radiation Modeling by Robust Coplot Graphs, The 4th International Congress on Engineering and Information, May 07-09, 2015, Kyoto, JAPAN.
12. Stange J., Dickhaus T., Demirhan H., On the correlation structure of test statistics in genetic case-control association studies, 61. Biometrisches Kolloquium: Biometrics and Communication: From Statistical Theory to Perception in the Public, March 15-18, 2015, Dortmund, GERMANY.
11. Demirhan H.,Bayesian estimation of odds ratios from contingency tables, The Ninth International Statistics Days Symposium, May 10-14, 2014, Antalya, TURKEY.
10. Demirhan H., A Generalized Gumbel distribution and its Bayesian estimation, The Ninth ICSA International Conference: Challenges of Statistical Methods for Interdisciplinary Research and Big Data, December 20-23, 2013, Hong Kong, CHINA.
9. Demirhan H., Kalaylıoğlu Z. Joint prior distributions for variance components in Bayesian analysis of normal hierarchical models, Seventh International Workshop on Simulation, May 21-25, 2013, Rimini, ITALY.
8. Kaya E., Pervane C., Demirhan H., A Generic Monte Carlo Simulation Algorithm For The Availability Prediction Of The Devices With Cold Stand-By Units, SIMUL 2012, The Fourth International Conference on Advances in System Simulation , November 18-23, 2012, Lisbon, PORTUGAL (Acceptance rate 27%).
7. Demirhan K., Öktem M.K., Demirhan H., E-participation in Turkey: a case study of higher education students, IGU Commission on Geography of Governance Annual Conference 2012, April 12-13, 2012, Lisbon, PORTUGAL.
6. Taşçı D., Demirhan H., Günay S., Seyrek Olumsallık Tablolarında Odds Oranlarına Bayesci Yaklaşım, 7. İstatistik Kongresi, April 28-30, 2011, Antalya, TÜRKİYE.
5. Demirhan H., Demirhan K., Histogram Çözümlemesi İçin Bir Bayesci Yaklaşım ve Bir Uygulama, 7. İstatistik Kongresi, April 28-30, 2011, Antalya, TÜRKİYE.
4. Ersel D., Demirhan H., Aktaş S., Ergün G., Menteş T. Göz İzleme Sistemi ile Bir Reklam Filminin Analizi, 7. İstatistik Kongresi, April 28-30, 2011, Antalya, TÜRKİYE.
3. Parlak Demirhan, Y., Demirhan, H., A Group Sequential Form for the Partially Grouped Log Rank Test and A Simulation Study, Applied Statistics 2009, September 20 – 23, 2009, Ribno (Bled), SLOVENIA.
2. Demirhan, H., Hamurkaroglu, C., Bayesian Model Averaging for Hierarchical Log-Linear Models and an Application to the Dumping Severity Data, Applied Statistics 2009, September 20 – 23, 2009, Ribno (Bled), SLOVENIA.
1. Parlak Demirhan, Y., Demirhan, H., Bacanlı, S., A Simulation Study on Power Comparisons for Group-Sequential Tests of Non-Parametric Statistics in Case of Non-Proportional Hazards, Applied Statistics 2008, September 21 – 24, 2008, Ribno (Bled), SLOVENIA.
7. Demirhan, H., Hamurkaroglu, C., Ortalama kontrol kartları için Bayesci kontrol Sınırları, 6. Istatistik Kongresi, 29 Nisan - 02 Mayis 2009, ANTALYA.
6. Demirhan, H., Hamurkaroglu, C., Log-Doğrusal modellerde beklenen göze sıklıklarının Bayesci kestirimi, 5. Istatistik Kongresi, 20-24 Mayis 2007, ANTALYA.
5. Demirhan, H., Hamurkaroglu, C., Logaritmik dogrusal modeller icin yeni gosterimler, 7. Ulusal Ekonometri ve Istatistik Sempozyumu, 26-27 Mayis 2005, ISTANBUL.
4. Demirhan, H., Hamurkaroglu, C., RxC ve RxCxK Olumsallik cizelgeleri icin olusturulan logaritmik dogrusal modellere Bayesci yaklasimlar, 4. Istatistik Kongresi, 08-12 Mayis 2005, ANTALYA.
3. Demirhan, H., Parlak, Y., Çok etkenli deneysel yöntemlere geometrik yaklasimlar ve bir uygulama, Istatistik Aratsrirma Sempozyumu, DIE, 10-12 Aralik 2003, ANKARA.
2. Demirhan, H., Altas ,Ö., Kartal, S., Toker, G., Bilgisayarin matematiksel islem hizi üzerinde RAM büyüklügü etkisinin arastirilması, Istatistik Günleri 2002 Sempozyumu, 23-24 Mayis 2002, ANKARA.
1. Demirhan, H., Aktün ,L.H., Çogul gebelik sonucunda dogan bebeklerin yasama durumlarına göre sınıflandırılması, Istatistik Günleri 2002 Sempozyumu, 23-24 Mayis 2002, ANKARA.
5. Demirhan, H., Baglin, J., Use of Interactive Apps in Teaching Bayesian Statistics, 10th International Conference on Teaching Statistics, ICOTS-10 , 8 – 13 July 2018, Kyoto, JAPAN.
4. Suleiman, M., Demirhan, H., Boyd, L., Girosi, F., Aksakalli, V., Bayesian approaches for health information quality improvement, 2018 ISBA World Meeting , 24 – 29 June 2018, Edinburg, UK.
3. Kalaylıoğlu, Z., Demirhan, H., Joint prior distributions for variance components in multilevel models, Bayesian Biostatistics 2014, Satellite conference of the 27th International Biometric Conference, 2 – 5 July 2014, Zurich, SWITZERLAND.
2. Demirhan, H., Demirhan, K., Forecasting Election Results via the Sequential Nature of Bayes' Theorem and an Application to the Turkish General Elections, ISBA 2012 World Meeting, 24-29 June 2012, Kyoto, JAPAN.
1. Soylu M.E. (Presented), Demirhan, H., Determination of past flow regimes from scallops of Beyyayla Cave (Bilecik – Turkey) by using bootstrap hypothesis testing method, Time in Karst, 14- 18 March 2007, Postojna, SLOVENIA.
7. Demirhan, H., Mixed fuzzy C-means clustering with nominal, ordinal and interval scale variables, Statistics and Analytics Seminar Series, RMIT University, 08 April 2024, Melbourne.
6. Demirhan, H., Principal Component Analysis and a Scientific Breakthrough, RMIT University, 2 September 2019, Melbourne.
5. Demirhan, H., Introduction to Bayesian Data Analysis, Data Science Melbourne, DSM@RMIT Event, RMIT University, 29 August 2017, Melbourne.
4. Demirhan, H., Bayesian Hierarchical Modelling, Statistics and Analytics Seminar Series, RMIT University, 29 June 2017, Melbourne.
3. Demirhan, H., A Bayesian Approach to Histogram Analysis in Discrete Populations and an Application to Turkish General Elections, Middle East Technical University, Department of Statistics, 21 February 2013, Ankara.
2. Demirhan, H., Hamurkaroglu, C., Bayesian approaches for the estimation odds ratios over the contingency tables, Hacettepe University, Department of Statistics, 19 April 2005, Ankara.
1. Demirhan, H., Parlak, Y., Geometric approaches to the factorial experiments and an application, Hacettepe University, Department of Statistics, 2 December 2003, Ankara.
10. 2017 - 2023, Design of Experiments and their Statistical Analysis, DSTG, multiple projects.
9. 2018 - 2019, Bayesian approaches to matchday physical performance, Essendon Football Club.
8. 2017 - 2019, Improving ICD coding quality, Cabrini Health and CMCRC.
7. 2014 - 2016, Determination of Statistical Performance of Tests Used to Examine Cryptographic Randomness, TUBITAK 3001, Coordinator.
6. 2014 - 2016, The Antecedents and Outcomes of Mobbing: Hacettepe University Case, Hacettepe University BAP, Researcher.
5. 2013 - 2016, Determination of Factors Affecting University Choices of 4th Year High School Students in Ankara, Hacettepe University BAP, Researcher.
4. 2012 - 2016, Expectations of shareholders of Hacettepe University, and their corporate belonging, feelings and thoughts towards satisfaction, Hacettepe University BAP, Researcher.
3. 2007 - 2009, Financing of Education and Education Expenditure Information System in Turkey, TUBITAK 1001, Researcher.
2. 2005 - 2007, Department of Statistics Qualitative Research Studio Project, Hacettepe University BAP, Project assistant.
1. 2005 - 2006, SPAC Soft Research and Software Development Project, TUBITAK, The responsibility of "Design of Experiments", "Analysis of Variance" and "General Linear Models" modules.
Completed MSc and PhD Projects
1. Ms Nihan Bitirim, A study on cryptographic random number generation and randomness tests, 2015, MSc, Hacettepe University, Senior supervisor.
2. Dr Mani Suleiman, Bayesian approaches in health information management, 2020, PhD, RMIT University, Senior supervisor.
3. Dr Saritha Kodikara, Bayesian inference in ecological modelling, 2020, PhD, RMIT University, Associate Supervisor.
4. Dr Duyet Tran, Bayesian approaches to inter-rater agreement studies, 2021, PhD, RMIT University, Senior Supervisor.
5. Dr Srinivas Chakravarty, Fuzzy approaches against outliers and applications in wind energy, 2022, PhD, RMIT University, Senior Supervisor.
6. Dr Ohud Alqasem, Bayesian meta-analysis for rare events, 2023, PhD, RMIT University, Senior Supervisor.
7. Dr Dinah Jane Lope, Bayesian Spatiotemporal Models for Infectious Diseases in Relation to Health Inequality, 2023, PhD, RMIT University, Senior Supervisor.
8. Mr Minh Cao, Causal Inference of Multiple Heterogeneous Responses Using Additive Gaussian Processes, 2024, Master by Research, RMIT University, Senior Supervisor.
Fellowships, Recognitions and Awards
8. RMIT University, School of Science HDR Supervision Award in 2023.
7. RMIT University, School of Science Teaching Award in 2022.
6. RMIT University, SEH Recognition of Outstanding Student Experience Award for MATH1318 Time Series Analysis in 2019.
5. RMIT University, 1st Prize in SEH Student Choice Teaching Award in 2017.
4. Hacettepe University Senate Incentive Award in Science Certificate of 2011-2012 academic year.
3. ISBA Travel Award -World Meeting of the ISBA Early Career Researchers Travel Grant for ISBA2012.
2. Supported by Incentive Publication Award Program of TÜBİTAK for international publications, 2006 - 2015.
1. TÜBİTAK domestic PhD scholarship, 2006 - 2009.
Editorial Board and Reviews
* Scientific Reports, Springer Nature (Area Editor, 2025 - )
* Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics (Area Editor, 2020 - 2025),
* Current Index to Statistics (Contributing Editor, 2015 - 2017),
Reviews: See Web of Science page for details
* 2023 - , Senior Officer for Student Misconduct, School of Science, RMIT University.
* 2024, Member of the academic committee for the International Data Science and Artificial Intelligence Conference, IDSSC' 24.
* 2022, 2023, Member of the scientific committees for the International Symposium in Graduate Researches on Data Sciences.
* 2017 - 2022, Higher Degree by Research (HDR) coordinator of Mathematical Sciences Discipline, School of Science, RMIT University.
* 2017 - 2018, Member of the School of Science Research Committee, RMIT University.
* 2015 - 2016, Secretary of Industrial Statistics Section of ISBA.
* 2015, Member of the organising and scientific committee of the 9th International Statistics Congress of the Turkish Statistical Association.
* 2014 - 2016, Member of Board of Directors, Turkish Statistical Association.
* 2013 - 2016, Member of Faculty of Science, Science Committee, Hacettepe University.
* 2012 - 2016, IT coordinator of the Department of Statistics, Hacettepe University.
* 2013, Member of Nominating Committee for the offices of program chair and treasurer of ISBA/IS Section.
* 2013, Member of Scientific Committee of The First National Young Statisticians Symposium.
* 2011 - 2013, Erasmus coordinator of the Department of Statistics, Hacettepe University.
* 2012 - 2012, Member of Faculty of Science, Committee for International Cooperation in Education, Hacettepe University.
* 2012 – 2012 Member of Department of Statistics Bologna Process Working Group, Hacettepe University.
* International Society for Bayesian Analysis (ISBA)
* Institute of Mathematical Statistics (IMS)
* European Network for Business and Industrial Statistics (ENBIS)
* Turkish Statistical Association (Türk Istatistik Dernegi, TİD)
Other Activities
* 2012 - 2016, Academic coordinator of 59 undergraduate students, Department of Statistics, Hacettepe University.
* 2004 - 2016, Webmaster of the department's website, Department of Statistics, Hacettepe University.
* 2002 - Designed and programmed information systems: elective course selection system in 2005, alumni information system in 2006, and departmental library information system in 2011, Department of Statistics, Hacettepe University.
* 2006 - 2009, Academic coordinator of 59 undergraduate students, Department of Statistics, Hacettepe University.
* 2009 - 2010, Academic coordinator of 26 undergraduate students, Department of Statistics, Hacettepe University.
Some Links
* Mathematics Genealogy Project
* Bayesians Worldwide (By David Madigan)
* Genetic Programming Bibliography (By William B Langdon)
* An index of software-intensive science
Last Updated: 04.03.2025