
I am a postdoctoral researcher at the Institute for Logic, Language and Computation at the University of Amsterdam. At present I am working on philosophical logic, conditionals, and causality.

Click here for my CV


My Bachelor Thesis student, Puck Voorham, has won the 2024 Amsterdam AI Thesis Award for her thesis comparing the explanatory power of causal discovery methods. Congratulations Puck! 🎉 

Recent presentations 

(If you are around at any of these locations/times and would like to meet up to discuss, feel free to let me know!)

Project: Philosophical Foundations of Explanation

I am teaching a project on the nature of causes, reasons, and explanations in the Master of Logic in January 2024. For further information, please see here.

PhD Thesis

My PhD thesis, Causation and Modality, is available here. Very briefly, the thesis aims to answer two questions in the analysis of causation. First, the modelling question: what kind of information do we use when we judge that a causal claim holds? Second, the meaning question: what are the truth conditions of causal claims?

Some recent published work

My PhD project was about casual reasoning and was supervised by Katrin Schulz, gratefully funded by the NWO PhDs in the Humanities grant. I completed the Master of Logic at the Institute of Logic, Language and Computation with a MSc thesis on logics of conditionals. Before that I did a B.A. in Philosophy at Trinity College Dublin under the supervision of Peter Simons and JTM Miller. My current projects concern causal inference, semantics for conditionals and experimental work on the meaning of negation in natural language. I am also interested in the connection between semantics and legal interpretation.

All materials from my work are available open access (CC BY 4.0) here.

Click here for my email

Visiting address: Science Park 107, room F1.22

Some music: here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here.