About Me

Contact Information

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Doctor of Philosophy:
Colorado State University - 2011
Computer Science - Vision / ML / Biometrics
Advisor: Ross Beveridge

Master’s of Science:
Colorado State University - 2003
Computer Science - Vision / ML / Biometrics

Demonstration Videos

Much of my research includes video processing. I have posted many videos on YouTube that support some of my papers. For more information see my YouTube channel or see these playlists:

I am currently working at Oak Ridge National Laboratory in the Imaging Signals and Machine Learning group. I completed my Ph.D. in computer science from Colorado State University with Ross Beveridge as my advisor. My research interests include Face Recognition, Computer Vision, and Machine Learning.

Research Interests:

    • Correlation Filter Theory and Applications

    • Visual Tracking

    • Evaluation of Face Recognition Algorithms

    • Unique Biometric Sensors and Systems

    • Realtime Computer Vision and Video Processing

Thesis Topic

My thesis was in correlation filter theory. I have had a number of successes applying ASEF correlation filters to real world detection problems including eye localization, face landmark localization, and human detection, and visual tracking.

Open Source Software

I have been involved with a few open source software projects.

Face Recognition from Oak Ridge (FaRO) provides a cloud interface to some of the best open source face recognition projects on the web.

PyVision - Computer Vision Toolkit. Python software developed as part of my Ph.D. research.

OCOF Toolset - This is an evaluation implementation of ASEF and MOSSE filters including the tracking algorithm from my 2010 CVPR paper.

FaceL - Facile Face Labeling. A realtime face recognition application that detects and recognizes faces in a live video stream from a webcam.

Evaluation of Face Recognition Algorithms. Source code that includes four face recognition algorithms including the EBGM algorithm developed for my masters thesis.

FacePerf - Face Recognition Performance Benchmarks. Base on the evaluation system and OpenCV, these are standardized speed test for hardware and compilers.

Selected Publications

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M. Ruby, D. S. Bolme, J. Brogan, D. Cornett III, B. Delgado, G. Jager, C. Johnson, J. Martinez-Mendoza, H. Santos-Villalobos, N. Srinivas. The Mertens Unrolled Network (MU-Net): A high dynamic range fusion neural network for through the windshield driver recognition. Autonomous Systems: Sensors, Processing, and Security for Vehicles and Infrastructure. 2020. (Online) (Patent)

D. S. Bolme, R. A. Tokola, C. B. Boehnen, T. B. Saul, K. A. Sauerwein, D. W. Steadman. Impact of environmental factors on biometric matching during human decomposition. Biometrics Theory, Applications and Systems. 2016. Best Paper Award. (Online)

D. S. Bolme, J. R. Beveridge, B. A. Draper, and Y. M. Lui. Visual Object Tracking using Adaptive Correlation Filters. Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. June 2010. (PDF) (Online) (Patent)

D.S. Bolme, B.A. Draper, and J.R. Beveridge.Average of Synthetic Exact Filters. Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. June 2009. (PDF) (Patent)

JR Beveridge, PJ Phillips, DS Bolme, BA Draper, GH Givens, YM Lui, ... The challenge of face recognition from digital point-and-shoot cameras. Biometrics: Theory, Applications and Systems. 2009. (Online)

D.S. Bolme, J.R. Beveridge, and B.A. Draper. FaceL: Facile Face Labeling. International Conference on Vision Systems. October 2009. (PDF)

D.S. Bolme. Elastic Bunch Graph Matching. Master's Thesis: Colorado State University. May 2003. (PDF)

D.S. Bolme, J.R. Beveridge, M.L. Teixeira, and B.A. Draper. The CSU Face Identification Evaluation System: Its Purpose, Features and Structure. Proc. 3rd International Conf. on Computer Vision Systems. Apr. 2003. (PDF)