Using Twitter to Find Great Resources in your Classroom

Using Twitter to Find Great Resources for your Classroom

Whether you are a lurker or a tweeter, make Twitter work for you. Learn about how to join, who to follow, and Twitter resources and ideas that you can use in your classroom.

Twitter is a free Web 2.0 social media service that allows users to send and receive messages known as tweets. It is located at

B. Twitter Statistics

Ways to Use Twitter:

  1. Find resources

  2. Continue class discussions

  3. Keep parents informed

  4. Get instant feedback

  5. Post announcements or reminders

  6. Talk to experts in the field

  7. Ask for help or get advice

  8. To keep up with current events

B. Educators to Follow

D. Educational Hashtags

    1. Hashtags were 'invented' as a way for a group of people to follow a single conversation on Twitter. If you've ever seen a tweet with # preceding a word, you've seen a Hashtag. One of the greatest uses of Hashtags is to create real-time chat rooms called Twitter Chats.

A. Create An Account

  1. Go to

  2. Follow the prompts to set up your own unique username:

  • Choose your username wisely and be sure to pick something you are happy with

  • Be consistent if you have existing other social media channels

  • This can be different than your given name

  • This is the way users will interact with you and include you in a conversation

B. Set Up Your Profile

  1. Upload a photo to use as your Profile Photo

  2. Provide your Name, Location and Website

  3. Provide a short bio in 160 characters or less - This is where people can find out more about you

  4. Include profile details that will be informative to other professionals and captures you as a professional

  5. Pick a standard design background

  6. Update your email notification and other account settings

C. Start Tweeting

E. Twitter Chats

Twitter chats are a way for online users to gather at a specified time to discuss certain topics or issues, enabling users to come together on a platform where they can interact in real time.