Dr. Dawid Czapla

email:  dawid.czapla@us.edu.pl
tel.:  (32) 359 21 91
room:  566 

Name:  Dawid Czapla

Academic degree:  PhD in mathematics

EmploymentInstitute of Mathematics, Faculty of Science and Technology,  
University of Silesia in Katowice

Position:  Assistant professor

Research field:  Probability theory and stochastic processes

Additional functions:  Webmaster of the US Institute of Mathematics official website

Office adress:   Bankowa 14, 40-007 Katowice,  room 546,  Poland

My institutional website (in Polish):  link

Professional interests:  Markov processes and Markov semigroups: existence of stationary distributions, asymptotic stability, ergodicity, Harris recurrence and limit theorems; random iterated function systems and their applications in natural science; real and functional analysis.

ORCID:  0000-0002-0562-773X