David Wiczer

I am an Associate Adviser in the Research Department at the  Atlanta Fed, Research Fellow at the IZA, and an Associate Editor at the European Economic Review

I concentrate primarily on macroeconomics and labor economics. For my life story in easily digestible sentence fragments, see my CV .

Other useful ways to assess me: Google Scholar  and IDEAS (top 2%). 

I've got a student on the market this year, Kwanjai Yoo, doing fascinating work on heterogeneous income processes. 


Cyclical Earnings, Careers and Employment Transitions Review of Economic Studies (R&R) with Carlos Carrillo Tudela & Ludo Visschers Download, IZA DP, Slides Press: Faculti

Stimulus through Insurance: The Marginal Propensity to Repay Debt Review of Economic Studies (R&R) with Gizem Kosar, Davide Melcangi & Laura Pilossoph. Download IZA DP Slides, Press: Washington Post Marketplace Liberty Street Newsday

Firm Exit and Liquidity: Evidence from the Great Recession with Fernando Leibovici. Download STL Fed WP 

Monetary Policy and Wage Inequality: The Labour Mobility Channel with Ester Faia, Ekaterina Shabalina CEPR DP

The Effect of Unemployment Insurance Eligibility in Equilibrium  with Ying Chao & Ben Griffy. Download Slides 

The Churn Ladder with Larry F Warren Download Slides

The Disability Option: Labor Market Dynamics with Economic and Health Risks with Amanda M Michaud  Download 

Long Term Unemployment: Attached and Mismatched? Download  


The Alpha, Beta and Gamma of the Labor Market  Journal of Monetary Economics CRN (forthcoming) with Victoria Gregory & Guido Menzio. Download, NBER WP Slides Press: Marginal Revolution

Earnings Growth, Job Flows and Churn, Journal of Monetary Economics (2023), with Satoshi Tanaka & Larry F Warren Download Slides

Where have all the workers gone? Labour Economics (2022), with Eliza Forsythe, Lisa Kahn & Fabian Lange. Download (Previous version: NBER WP Slides) Press: Washington Post Economic Report of the President

Labor Demand in the Time of COVID-19: Evidence from vacancy postings and UI claims, Journal of Public Economics (2020), with Eliza Forsythe, Lisa Kahn and Fabian Lange Download NBER WP Press: WSJ Slate Bloomberg 

Pandemic Recession: L- or V-Shaped?, MPLS Fed Quarterly Review (2020), with Victoria Gregory & Guido Menzio. Download  NBER WP Press: MarketPlace, MarketWatch, Brookings

Multidimensional Skill Mismatch, AEJ: Macroeconomics (2020), with Fatih Guvenen, Burhan Kuruscu & Satoshi Tanaka. Download Slides Incl. Appendix Press: Bloomberg, Washington Post

Network Search: Climbing the Job Ladder Faster, International Economic Review (2019), with Marcelo A Arbex & Dennis O'Dea. Download Press: WSJ

Occupational Hazards and Social Disability Insurance, Journal of Monetary Economics (2018), with Amanda M Michaud. Download Slides

Vocational Considerations and Trends in Social Security Disability, Journal of the Economics of Aging (2018), with Amanda M Michaud & Jaeger Nelson. Download 

And for a quick summary, a bit I wrote up for my letter writers at tenure-time: my Research Statement


The Place-based Redistribution of Disability Insurance with Amanda M Michaud and Timothy J Moore Slides

Inferring Labor Demand with Eliza Forsythe, Lisa Kahn & Fabian Lange

Search Frictions and Structural Change with Makoto Nakajima, Stephen L Parente and Hongxia Zhang


Heterogeneous Effects of Monetary Policy on Job Flows Across Income, Race, Gender and Age American Economic Assoc P&P (2024), with Ester Faia and Ekaterina  Shabalina Download

Understanding the Geographic Variation in Social Security Disability Insurance, NBER DRC Papers (2019), with Amanda M Michaud and Timothy J Moore. NBER WP 

 The Relationship between Social Security Disability Insurance Wait Times and Applications , NBER DRC Papers (2019), with Amanda M Michaud and Timothy J Moore.  NBER WP 

Duration Dependence and Composition in Unemployment Spells, St Louis Fed REVIEW (2016), with James D Eubanks. Download