Darren Field Tutor

Private Tuition in and around Weston Super Mare

Hello and welcome to my site. I specialise in providing interesting, fun and effective learning support for children. I love teaching and tutoring. My enthusiasm and sense of fun is what makes my teaching special. Unlike tutoring introduction services, this site allows you to find out more about me, how I teach and allows you to speak to me directly without obligation or payment to a third party.

Dive on in and take a look around!

Why should you employ a tutor. Find out how and why your child would benefit from tutoring.

Why I am the best tutor for your child. Let me introduce myself properly explain how I will work with your child.

What other people say about my teaching. Find out what others think.

Tuition in a range of subjects, including English and Maths. As a primary specialist, I can offer a range of subjects.

My tutoring rates.Your child's education is an investment in their future, but what will it cost? Your options here.

I understand that the decision to hire a tutor, even for just a few weeks, is a big one. I'm a Dad too and I know there is a lot to consider. Please do not feel that you are obliged to make a booking by asking questions, but do please contact me if I can give you any other information to help you make the best choice for your child.

Darren, Field, Darrenfield, Darren Fiel

Trowbridge, Trowbridge, Tutor, Trowbridge Tutor, darren field, darren, field, primary, science, maths, english, literacy, writing, reading, confidence, child, children, learning, learners, Trowbridge area, tuition, personal tutor, teacher, teaching, taught, Tutor, Private Tutor, Personal Tutor, Tutoring rates, learning, learner, homework, revision 11+, SATS, sats, SATs, Keystage 2, keystage 2, Key Stage 2, KS2, Ks2, ks2, SEN, Gifted, Able, Talented, GT, gifted able and talented, gifted able or talented

Contact Me

I am very happy to meet with you (without obligation) to discuss how I may be able to help you child.

To contact me, please send an email with your contact number and a rough outline of how you would like me to help.

Email: darrenfield1@hotmail.co.uk

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Tutors and supply teachers - visit my other site:

How To Be a Supply Teacher.