Adult Art Psychotherapy: Issues and Applications
Helen B. Landgarten & Darcy Lubbers Brunner/Mazel Publishers, New York, New York; co-editor/author; March 1991.
Adult Art Psychotherapy: Issues and Applications, published by Brunner/Mazel, a member of the Taylor and Francis Group.
This book is recommended for anyone interested in the field of Art Therapy. Orders may also be placed via the Internet by visiting, or by telephone at (800) 821-8321. Be sure to include the following information: $52.95/1991/250 pages/Hardcover/0-87630-593-1/LUBR. For technical support with Internet orders, please contact:
01/20 Bodymap protocol: Integrating art therapy and focusing in the treatment of adults
with trauma. International Body Psychotherapy Journal: The Art and Science of
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01/07 Responding to Life's Challenges; Beginnings Magazine, American Holistic Nurses
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08/03 Art and Soul, Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance manual for the 16th Annual
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04/01 Responding to the Emotional Challenges of Cancer, B'Sherit Integrative Oncology
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01/97 Responding to Life's Challenges: Clearing and Centering; Whole Life Times
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