I am currently an Associate Professor (Lektor) at Stockholm University.
My research is in the interface of algebraic geometry and algebraic topology. I have been particularly interested in moduli spaces.
My papers and preprints can be found on the arXiv.
PhD students:
Erik Lindell (PhD 2023)
Louis Hainaut (PhD 2024)
Josefien Kuijper (PhD 2024)
Oliver Lindström
Current and former postdocs:
Johan Alm
Marcel Rubió
Asaf Horev
Sylvain Douteau
Bashar Saleh
Emil Jacobsen
Alexis Aumonier
Aleksander Shmakov
Email: dan.petersen (at) math.su.se
Address: Matematiska institutionenStockholms universitet106 91 StockholmSweden
Address: Matematiska institutionenStockholms universitet106 91 StockholmSweden