Danny Nam
About me
I was a graduate student in mathematics at Princeton University, supervised by Prof. Allan Sly. I worked on discrete probability, with emphasis on
Phase transitions in interacting particle systems;
Markov chain mixing times;
Random constraint satisfaction problems.
Ph.D. in Mathematics, Princeton University (Sep. 2016 - May. 2021)
B.S. in Mathematics, Seoul National University (Mar. 2010 - Aug. 2016)
- On leave for two years of mandatory military service (Apr. 2012 - Jan. 2014)
Papers and preprints
8. (with Allan Sly and Lingfu Zhang) Ising model on trees and factors of IID. (arXiv)
- Communications in Mathematical Physics.
7. (with Allan Sly and Youngtak Sohn) One-step replica symmetry breaking of the random regular NAE-SAT. (arXiv)
- FOCS21
6. (with Dor Elboim and Allan Sly) The critical one-dimensional multi-particle DLA. (arXiv)
5. (with Oanh Nguyen and Allan Sly) Critical value asymptotics for the contact process on random graphs. (arXiv)
- Transactions of the AMS.
4. A discontinuous phase transition in the threshold-θ≥2 contact process on random graphs. (arXiv)
3. (with Shankar Bhamidi, Oanh Nguyen and Allan Sly) Survival and extinction of epidemics on random graphs with general degree.
- The Annals of Probability, Vol 49, no. 1 (2021), pp. 244--286. (arXiv, Journal)
2. (with Evita Nestoridi) Cutoff for the cyclic adjacent transposition shuffle.
- The Annals of Applied Probability, Vol 29, no. 6 (2019), pp. 3861--3892. (arXiv, Journal)
1. (with Allan Sly) Cutoff for the Swendsen-Wang dynamics on the lattice.
- The Annals of Probability, Vol 47, no. 6 (2019), pp. 3705--3761. (arXiv, Journal)
Teaching Experience
MAT 216 / 215 Accelerated Honors Analysis 1 : Grader, Fall 2017 / Fall 2019
MAT 577 Topics in Combinatorics: The Probabilistic Method : Grader, Spring 2018 (Instructor: Prof. Noga Alon)
MAT 201 Multivariable Calculus : Instructor, Fall 2018 (Received 2019 Departmental Teaching Award)
(11/19/2020) 19th Northeast probability seminar, online. (Link)
(11/18/2020) Probability seminar, UBC, online. (Link)
(11/05/2020) Probability seminar, Duke University, online. (Link)
(10/28/2020) Probability seminar, UC Berkeley, online. (Link)
(03/03/2020) Probability seminar, CUNY Graduate Center, New York, USA. (Link)
(01/16/2020) Special session on Stochastic spatial models, Joint Mathematics Meetings, Denver, USA. (Link)
(12/18/2019) Analysis/Probability seminar, KIAS, Seoul, Republic of Korea. (Link)
(09/12/2019) Probability seminar, Duke University, Durham, USA. (Link)
(06/28/2019) Analysis/Probability seminar, KIAS, Seoul, Republic of Korea. (Link)
(12/26/2018) Analysis/Probability seminar, KIAS, Seoul, Republic of Korea. (Link)
(07/18/2018) RGM follow up, Isaac Newton Institute, Cambridge, UK. (Video)
(07/04/2018) Probability seminar, KAIST, Daejeon, Republic of Korea. (Link)
(06/14/2018) Analysis/Probability seminar, KIAS, Seoul, Republic of Korea. (Link)