Dan Marshall

I primarily work in metaphysics and in related areas in logic, philosophy of language and the philosophy of science.  I have a MSc in mathematics from the University of Melbourne and a PhD in philosophy from the Australian National University. I completed my PhD in 2011 and am currently an Associate Professor in the Philosophy Department at Lingnan University in Hong Kong.

Below is a list of talks and papers. Any questions or comments are welcome. For any papers which don't have links, please feel free to email me for a copy.

My email address is danmarshall@ln.edu.hk.

Work in progress:

1. ‘How to do Semantics without Semantic Values’ 

2. ‘The Objectual-Aboutness Theory of States of Affairs'

3. ‘Grounding and Fact Granularity

4. ‘A Reduction of Objectual Aboutness

5. ‘The Aboutness Argument against the Modal Theory’

6. ‘Nominalism and Ideological Parsimony’

7. 'Metaphysical Structualism'

8. 'Newtonian vs. Galilean Substantivalism in Newtonian Physics' (Pacific AAP 2024 Version)

Published Papers:

PhD Dissertation: `Counterfactuality, Reduction, and the Argument for Possible Worlds from Theoretical Virtue'

MSc Dissertation: `Macdonald Polynomials'


1. 'Counterpart Theory and The Problem of Actuality'