
Working papers

Rankings in Healthcare Organizations (with Katharina Huesmann, Yero Ndiaye,  and Christian Waibel). R&R (Minor), Management Science.

The effects of fee-for-service, capitation, and pay for performance on the quantity and the quality of care: A systematic experimental analysis (with Jeannette Brosig-Koch, Mona Groß, Heike Hennig-Schmidt, and Nadja Kairies-Schwarz). R&R, International Journal of Health Economics and Management.

The link between temperature and risk attitudes: Evidence from a large population-based cohort study (with Adriana König, Michael Laxy Lars Schwettmann, Annette Peters, Alexandra Schneider, and Kathrin Wolf). R&R, Economics and Human Biology.

The effect of technology-assisted behavioral interventions in type 2 diabetes, with Sofia Monteiro, Kate Larmuth, Jacolene Kroff, and Matthias Sutter. AEA-RCT-ID: AEARCTR-0005871. Under review.

Structured lactation support for mothers of very low birth weight preterm infants and establishment of human donor milk banks in German NICUs (Neo-MILK): Protocol for a hybrid type 1 effectiveness-implementation cluster- randomised controlled trial (with Dymek, N., Jaschke, J., Stirner, A., Schwab, I., Ohnhaeuser, T., Dresbach, T., Scholten, N. and Köberlein-Neu, J.).  Under review.

Personality and physician performance pay: Evidence from a behavioral experiment in health (with Mona Groß and Heike Hennig-Schmidt). 

Published and forthcoming papers

Improving the availability of unrelated stem cell donors: Evidence from a major donor registry (with Michael Haylock, Patrick Kampkötter, Mario Macis, Jürgen Sauter, Alexander Schmidt, Susanne Seitz , and Robert Slonim [IZA Working paper, NBER Working paper]. forthcoming, American Journal of Health Economics. Media coverage: 

A new look at physicians’ responses to financial incentives: Quality of care, practice characteristics, and motivations (with Jeannette Brosig-Koch, Heike Hennig-Schmidt, Nadja Kairies-Schwarz, and Johanna Kokot). Journal of Health Economics, 2024, 94, 102862, 10.1016/j.jhealeco.2024.102862

Effectiveness of behavioural economics-informed interventions to promote physical activity: a systematic review and meta-analysis (with Stephanie Stock, Dirk Müller, Olaf Karasch, Helena Reisgies, Benjamin Scheckel, and Arim Shukri).  Social Science & Medicine. 2023, 338, 116341, 10.1016/j.socscimed.2023.116341.

Changing preferences: An experiment and estimation of market-incentive effects on altruism (with Undral Byambadalai and Albert Ma). Journal of Health Economics, 2023, 102808,10.1016/j.jhealeco.2023.102808.

Economics of healthcare provider altruism (with Matteo Galizzi, Geir Godager,  Jing Li, Ismo Linnosmaa, and Timo Tammi). Handbook of Labor, Human Resources and Population Economics, edited by K. Zimmermann.

The formation of physician altruism (with Arthur Attema, Mona Groß, Matteo Galizzi, Yassin Karay, Heike Hennig-Schmidt, and Oliver l’Haridon). Journal of Health Economics, 2023, 87, 102716, 10.1016/j.jhealeco.2022.102716.

Einsatz verhaltensökonomischer Interventionen zur Verbesserung ärztlicher Entscheidungen (with Michael Hallek and Axel Ockenfels). Deutsches Ärztelblatt, 2022, 119, 633-639, 10.3238/arztebl.m2022.0275

The effects of audits and fines on upcoding in neonatology (with Mona Groß and Hendrik Jürges). Health Economics, 2021, 30, 1978-1986,

An experiment on referrals in health care (with Christian Waibel). European Economic Review, 2021, 131, 103612,

The effect of expert feedback on antibiotics provision in pediatrics: Experimental evidence (with Kerstin Eilermann, Katrin Halstenberg, Kyriakos Martakis, Ludwig Kuntz, and Bernd Roth). Medical Decision Making, 2019, 39, 781-795. Media coverage: Ärzteblatt (08.10.2019), Kölner Stadtanzeiger (22.09.2019), University of Cologne press portal (12.09.2019)

Do good and talk about it! Disclosure and reward of discretionary kindness (with Oliver Gürtler and Gari Walkowitz). Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 2019, 161: 323-342.

Dishonesty in healthcare practice: A behavioral experiment on upcoding in neonatology (with Heike Hennig-Schmidt and Hendirk Jürges). Health Economics, 2019, 28: 319-338.

Behavioral Experiments in Health Economics (with Matteo M. Galizzi). Oxford Encyclopedia in Economics and Finance, 2018. 

Behavioral Experiments in Health: an Introduction (with Matteo M. Galizzi). Health Economics, 2017, 26 (S3), 3-5.

The Effects of Introducing Mixed Payment Systems for Physicians: Experimental Evidence (with Jeannette Brosig-Koch, Heike Hennig-Schmidt, and Nadja Kairies-Schwarz). Health Economics, 2017, 26 (2), 243–262.

Using artefactual field and lab experiments to investigate how fee-for-service and capitation affect medical service provision (with Jeannette Brosig-Koch, Heike Hennig-Schmidt, and Nadja Kairies-Schwarz). Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 2016, 131B, 17-23.

Joint Measurement of Risk Aversion, Prudence, and Temperance (with Sebastian Ebert). Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, 48(3), 231-252, 2014.

Other-regarding Behavior and Motivation in Health Care Provision: An Experiment with Medical and Non-medical Students (with Heike Hennig-Schmidt). Social Science & Medicine, 2014, 108, 156-165.

Profit or Patients' Health Benefit? Exploring the Heterogeneity in Physician Altruism (with Geir Godager). Journal of Health Economics, 2013, 32(6), 1105–1116.

How Payment Systems Affect Physicians' Provision Behavior - An Experimental Investigation (with Heike Hennig-Schmidt and Reinhard Selten). Journal of Health Economics, 2011, 30(4), 637–646.

Testing for Prudence and Skewness Seeking (with Sebastian Ebert). Management Science, 2011, 57(7), 1334–1349.

Work  in progress (selected)

Physician skill, decision support, and quality of care: Experimental evidence, with Bernd Roth (University Hospital Cologne) and Anna Stirner (Cologne); AsPredicted-ID: 39543;  presented at dggö Hannover, SMDM Seattle, and INFORMS Healthcare Toronto.

The effect of second opinions on healthcare costs: An empirical investigation, with Razi Farukh, Yero Ndiaye, and Felix Mindl (all CGS Cologne); presented at BMS research afternoon, dggö Hannover, and Verein für Scoialpolitik "Sozialwissenschaftlicher Ausschuss" Berlin.

Improving the availability of stem cell donors - A letter and email intervention, with Mario Macis (JHU), Michael Haylock (CINCH Essen), Patrick Kampkötter (Tübingen), and Robert Slonim (UTS); AEA-RCT-ID: AEARCTR-0008938.

Default rules, ethical reminders, and registration costs: An experiment on stem-cell donor registration, with Helene Könnecke (IGKE, University Hospital Cologne), Simon Reif (ZEW), and Harald Tauchmann (FAU); presented at dggö Hannover and iHEA Cape Town.

Determinants of Self-Selection into Health Professions, with Alessandro Fedele and Mirco Tonin (both U Bozen); presented at BEH-net workshop Vienna, Euregio Economics Meeting (Innsbruck).