Daniel Spiro

I am senior lecturer (associate professor, Lektor) in economics at Uppsala University in Sweden. My research is focused on environmental and resource economics, behavioral economics, political economics and development.

Please find links below to my research and written work

Latest research

Working paper: "Likes". With Tuval Danenberg and Zvika Neeman

Working paper: "When do supermajority rules moderate?". With Anton Arbman Hansing and Mitch Downey

Publication: "Non-confrontational extremists". With Daniel Chen and Moti Michaeli. European Economic Review

Working paper: "The Price Cap on Russian Oil: A Quantitative Analysis". With Henrik Wachtmeister and Johan Gars

Working paper: "Economic Warfare".

Latest policy and teaching

Rysslands skuggflotta med oljetankers: miljörisker och politiska verktyg (12/4  2024, with Henrik Wachtmeister)

Sanctions on Russia: Getting the facts right (Becker et al, 2024)

Slides (download and open with powerpoint!) for teaching convergence and inequality based on rSolow (Spiro, 2021)

Slides om energikrig

Rekommendationer för utökade energisanktioner mot Ryssland

Elmarknadens uppbyggnad (föreläsningsslides)



email: daniel.spiro.ec@gmail.com

post: Ekonomikum, Kyrkogårdsgatan 10, Box 513, 751 20 Uppsala, Sweden

phone: +46 (0)18-471 5125


Link to google scholar citations.


Link to researchgate.

Bluesky: https://bsky.app/profile/danielspiro.bsky.social

Twitter: https://twitter.com/DanielSpiro1

Journal Articles

Policy brief: "European fuel tax cuts increase Russian oil profits", 2022, Nature Energy

Supplementary calculations: "Note on extraction cost spillovers in the Arctic", Calculations.

(earlier version circulated as Uninsurance through trade)

Working papers

"Likes". With Tuval Danenberg and Zvika Neeman

"When do supermajority rules moderate?". With Anton Arbman Hansing and Mitch Downey

"Economic Warfare".

"The Price Cap on Russian Oil: A Quantitative Analysis". With Henrik Wachtmeister and Johan Gars (replaces "Quantity restrictions and price discounts on Russian oil" ).

"The simplest growth model with open economies", (previously circulated as "An open-economy Ramsey-Cass-Koopmans model in reduced form" ). Here are slides for teaching convergence and inequality.

“Legitimizing Policy”, with Daniel Chen and Moti Michaeli.

“The Dynamics of Revolutions”, with Moti Michaeli. Latest version here.

Larger projects

The economics of planetary boundaries

Website: https://sites.google.com/view/planetary-boundaries/home?authuser=0

Research question and aim: Which policies would keep humanity within the planet’s safe operating space without hindering progress on the sustainable development goals? This is possibly the most pressing question facing mankind today. To advance on that question the aim of this project is to develop an integrated assessment model to study the two-way interaction between the global economy and the most pressing global environmental issues.

Funding: FORMAS https://formas.se/en/start-page/archive/news/news/2020-09-25-swedish-scientists-pave-the-way-for-achieving-the-sustainable-development-goals.html

Participants: Daniel Spiro (PI, Uppsala U), Johan Gars (Beijer Inst.), Gustav Engström (Beijer Inst), Arthur van Benthem (U Penn), Lint Barrage (UCSD), Peter Søgaard Jørgensen (Stockholm resilience center), Daniel Moran (NTNU), Sarah Cornell (Stockholm resilience center), Steven Lade (Stockholm resilience center)

Ideological extremism and integration

Research questions: 1)How do people with extreme ideology behave when interacting with mainstream society? Do they distance themselves, conform to or confront mainstream normss? 2) What makes an individual extremize, that is adopt an extreme ideology in beliefs and actions? 3) What factors makes an extreme individual moderate her beliefs and actions?

Funding: Handelsbankens forskningsstiftelser

Participants: Daniel Spiro (PI, Uppsala U), Moti Michaeli (Haifa U), Daniel Chen (Toulouse), Yikai Wang (U of Essex), Alice Hallman (Uppsala U).

Books and pedagogical material

Sometimes I write longer threads on twitter or elsewhere trying to summarize research or explain a particular topic, I link to some of these here:

References for "Would global emissions decrease if Norway stopped searching for oil?"

Policy reports and writing

Here is policy analysis and discussion (and sometimes opinion). Some of it is in the form reports and some in the form of threads:

Media contributions and appearances

ENERGY AND CONFLICTSkuggtankers och oljeutsläpp April 2024: TV 4  Här och Här samt  VKElpriser och bränslepriser Augusti 2023,  SROljesanktioner Februari 2023 TV4 










"Putin tjänar miljarder på EU:s sänkta bränsleskatter", Dagens Nyheter, 23 April 2022 ("Putin makes billions on the EU's fuel-tax cuts")https://omniekonomi.se/ekonom-sagar-onodig-atgard-kommer-trycka-upp-elpriserna/a/Kz19we"Rea på olja", panel discussion on the oil-price fall. Swedish Television, 10 February 2015 (Title: A sale on oil).




Beräkningar: https://drive.google.com/file/d/12mjVVPsaEHvqLxpsN3JxIZyNzR1XQuqV/view










CLIMATE AND ENVIRONMENTKlimatmötet 2024, SR"Låt bensinskatten gå direkt till kommunen", Göteborgsposten, 18 December 2021 "Norsk oljepolitikk kan bidra for klimaet", Aftenposten, 23 August 2021. English translation: Norwegian oil policy can alleviate climate change"Norge kan hindre kappløp om pol-oljen", Dagens Næringsliv, 24 November 2018. In Norwegian (Title: Norway can prevent the rush for Arctic oil). Supplementary calculations: "Note on extraction cost spillovers in the Arctic", Calculations."Comment éviter l’exploitation des ressources arctiques", LeDevoir, 20 November 2018. In French (Title: How to avoid Arctic oil exploration). Supplementary calculations: "Note on extraction cost spillovers in the Arctic", Calculations."Krev Forsikring mot Forurensning", Dagens Næringsliv, 21 March 2017. In Norwegian (Title: Require insurance for mining pollution).
MINING"Hög tid att höja avgifterna för gruvbrytning i Sverige", Dagens Nyheter, 14 November 2013. In Swedish (Title: It's time to increase the fee for Swedish mining).    Reply to replies on the article."Det är som att jämföra äpplen och päron", Dagens Nyheter, 4 Aug 2014. In Swedish (Title: Comparing apples and pears).Media attention: http://www.svt.se/nyheter/svtforum/vem-ska-tjana-pa-svenska-mineraler http://sverigesradio.se/sida/artikel.aspx?programid=2327&artikel=5703883 http://www.svt.se/nyheter/lokalt/norrbotten/ekonomer-vill-hoja-skatt-for-gruvor?lokalmeny=1&gmenu=search&mobilmeny=1 http://sverigesradio.se/sida/artikel.aspx? rogramid=2327&artikel=5704044 http://www.dn.se/debatt/hog-tid-att-hoja-avgifterna-for-gruvbrytning-i-sverige/ https://www.svd.se/mineralskatten-borde-hojas https://www.svd.se/sverige-guldgruva-for-bolagen