- Research Interests:
Empirical Industrial Organization, Applied Microeconomics, Applied Econometrics, and Structural Econometrics.
- C.V.
- Completed Papers:
- Impacts of biodiesel on the Brazilian fuel market, Energy Economics, 2013, 36, 666-675.
- Ordinary Least Squares Estimation of a Dynamic Game Model (with F. Sanches and S. Srisuma), International Economic Review, 2016, vol.31, pp.762-771.
- Minimum Distance Estimation of Search Costs using Price Distribution (with F. Sanches and S. Srisuma), Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, forthcoming.
- Banking Privatization and Market Structure in Brazil: a Dynamic Structural Analysis (with F. Sanches and S. Srisuma), RAND Journal of Economics, forthcoming.
- Joint Analysis of the Discount Factor and Payoff. Parameters in Dynamic Discrete Choice Models (with T. Komarova, F. Sanches and S. Srisuma), Quantitative Economics, forthcoming.
- Working Papers:
- Omitted Budget Constraint Bias in Discrete Choice Demand Models (with M. Pesendorfer and P. Schirald)
- Dynamic Pricing and Consumer Loyalty in a Multi product Oligopoly (with M. Myśliwsk, F. Sanches, and S. Srisuma)
- Identi.cation and Estimation of a Search Model: A Procurement Auction Approach (with M. Myśliwsk, F. Sanches, and S. Srisuma)
Email: danielsjunior@gmail.com
Department of Economics
City, University of London
Northampton Square
London EC1V 0HB