Announcing the fund-raising request to help me fly my wife and myself to California in February 2025 for two concerts premiering two of my compositions for recorders. Agnus Dei for 15 voices in recorder orchestra and In Mary's Arms (originally for choir with piano) in its recorder choir arrangement. We live in the Philippines now and I am restricted to my disability pension so such a trip will by nye on impossible without assistance. Please email me and ask how you can assist for this project.

I'm Daniel Hay, an award-winning composer.  I have written many pieces of music for recorders, choral, woodwind, strings,

 brass, or piano in solo or duet, trio, quartet, and other ensemble groupings.  My catalog is now being presented on both 

Sheet Music Direct and Sheet Music Plus.  See mp3 samples and YouTube links for most of the catalog entries.

Listen to performances or see flowing scores of many of my works by visiting

and can find me at (where I am Admin for the Recorder Players group).

I offer a twice-per-month solo sheet music subscription service at Daniel Hay Music Subscription 

that includes an annual bonus piece. Get twenty-five compositions per year for your enjoyment.


(Help me keep more of my sales commission and save you some money by ordering any of my titles found

in my sheet music catalogs, on YouTube, on my subscription page, or on Facebook by making direct-to-email 

orders payable via credit card sales or as Amazon Gift Cards. Ask me how!)


Updated: September 2024

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