
Please refer for the updated information.

Kilnam Chon, Has WCIT opened Pandora's Box? [ppf], 2012.

Kilnam Chon, - Proposal [ppf], 2012.

Kilnam Chon, Cyberspace - What is it?  [paper-revised/2014.4.12][ppf] 

Kilnam Chon, Ecological Internet, [ppt-revised]/2015.12.22, [ppf],  [ppf-short version]

Kilnam Chon, IGF Workshop on Cyberspace Governance - Exploration, #310, Bali, 2013.10.30;   VideoTranscript,  Proposal, Final Report, Kilnam Chon[ppt], Nazil Choucri[ppt]

Kilnam Chon, Cyberspace Governance - Explorations [paper for 2013 IGF] 

Kilnam Chon, Cyberspace Governance.  [ppt/2013~2016], [Revised/2017.5]

Kilnam Chon, Globalizaton of Internet - Issues for Country, Regions, and the World, 2014.4.8. [ppf], [paper]

Kilnam Chon, Multistakeholder model - under development, 2014.7.4 (revised/2014.9.6). [ppf]

Kilnam Chon, Fragmentation, 2015.8.29. [ppt]

Kilnam Chon, The Other Billion (TOB), 20170426revised. [ppt] [ppt2017china]

Kilnam Chon, IoT Governance, APSIG, 2017.7.[ppt]

Kilnam Chon, Cybersecurity Governance, 2017.5. [ppt]

Kilnam Chon, Digital Governance, 2018.4.10. [ppt], [paper]

Kilnam Chon, Asia Internet History, Fourth Decade (2010s), 2011; Digital Space, Digital Governance, AI Governance, Data Governance, Cybersecurity Governance

Kilnam Chon, Internet Ecosystem, 2021. [draft ppt] [draft article]
