Welcome to CVPR 2016 - Workshop on Medical Computer Vision (July 1st, 2016 Las Vegas)
Workshop on Medical Computer Vision at CVPR 2016, Las Vegas, NV (http://cvpr2016.thecvf.com/)
Date: post-conference, July 1st, 2016
Registration: via IEEE CVPR
8:10~8:35 Prof. Pheng Ann Heng, (CUHK, Hong Kong, PRC), "Deep Learning for Histopathology Image Analysis"
8:35~9:00 Dr. Xiang Sean Zhou (Siemens Healthcare, USA), "Deep Learning on Medical Images: the Value of Data vs. Knowledge"
9:00~9:25 Prof. Junzhou Huang (UT Arlington, USA), "Big Imaging-Genomics Data Analytics for Clinical Outcome Prediction"
9:25~9:50 Prof. Ramin Zabih (Cornell Univ., USA), "Applications of discrete optimization to medical imaging"
9:50~10:15 Prof. Nicolas Padoy, (Univ. of Strasbourg, France), "Clinician Detection and Pose Estimation in the Operating Room"
(15 Minutes Short Coffee Break)
10:30~10:55 Prof. Jianming Liang (ASU, USA), "Convolutional neural networks in biomedical imaging for diagnosis, therapy and surgery"
10:55~11:20 Dr. Le Lu (NIH, USA), "Deep CNN in Radiology: Preventative and Precision Medicine Perspectives"
11:20~11:45 Prof. Kilian M. Pohl (SRI & Stanford Univ., USA), "Classifying MRIs based on Group Cardinality Constrained Solutions"
11:45~12:10 Prof. Nassir Navab (TUM & JHU), "Robotics and Augmented Reality for Patient and Process Specific Imaging and Visualization"
12:10~12:35 Prof. Julia Schnabel (King's College London, UK), "Discrete methods for fast registration of multi-modal and dynamic imaging"
Le Lu (National Institutes of Health Clinical Center, Bethesda, MD, USA)
Gustavo Carneiro (Associate Professor, The University of Adelaide)
Bjoern Menze (Technical University of Munchen, Germany)
Georg Langs (Medical University of Vienna & MIT, Austria)
Leo Grady (HeartFlow, Inc. Redwood City, CA, USA)