Computer Vision and Machine Learning Lab.
Computer Vision and Machine Learning Lab. at Incheon National University was founded by Prof. Ouk Choi in Mar. 2015. The research area of CVML Lab. includes various topics from the computer vision and machine learning communities, such as depth estimation and object recognition, whose performance is boosted by state-of-the-art machine learning techniques.
Open Positions for Those Self-Motivated
Our door is open to those who are eager to build working algorithms and systems, which are both practically and academically meaningful. We have open postdoctoral, PhD, and MSc positions for those self-motivated. Please do not hesitate to contact Prof. Ouk Choi to get more information about CVML Lab.
Recent News
My coauthored paper received the best paper award in a MICCAI workshop.
My paper on point cloud registration was accepted for publication in Sensors on Sep. 15th, 2020.
My paper on deep-learning-based classification of sequential high-speed flame images was accepted for publication in Electronics on May 18th, 2020.
Our paper on learning-based image quality assessment was accepted for publication in Electronics on Apr. 14th, 2020.
Our paper on 3D human modeling was accepted for publication in IEEE Access on Dec. 2nd, 2019.
Our paper on robust and efficient bundle adjustment for extrinsic calibration of multiple RGB-D cameras was accepted for publication in Electronics Letters on Jul. 3rd, 2019.
Our paper on extrinsic calibration of multiple RGB-D cameras was accepted for publication in Sensors on Mar. 26th, 2019.
Ouk and Young-Jun's paper on human projector interaction was accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Multimedia on Oct. 29th, 2018.
Young Chan presented a paper on depth camera calibration in International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems on Oct. 19th, 2018.
Young-Jun won a best paper award (bronze prize) in IEEE/IEIE International Conference on Consumer Electronics Asia on Oct. 27th, 2016.
Young-Jun's paper was invited to IEEE/IEIE International Conference on Consumer Electronics Asia on Jul. 4th, 2016.
Prof. Ouk Choi won a best paper award (bronze prize) in International Conference on Electronics, Information, and Communication on Jan. 29th, 2016.
The homepage of CVML Lab. was built on Jan. 25th, 2015.