Texas Woman's University - Wen Xu
Wen Xu, Ph.D.
Welcome to my web page! My name is Wen Xu. I am currently an Associate Professor at Division of Computer Science, in College of Arts and Sciences of Texas Woman's University.
I received my Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Texas at Dallas in December 2014, supervised by Dr. Weili Wu. I also got my M.S. in Computer Applied Technology and B.S in Software Engineering from Dalian University of Technology, China in 2010 and 2008 respectively. Before I joined TWU in August 2016, I was an assistant professor in Computer Science Department of New Mexico State University for one year.
My current research interests focus on Big Data Analytics, Social Computing, and Wireless Network Communication. I am enthusiastic about discovering valuable knowledge and spotting trends out of large volume of data.
Contact Me
Wen Xu, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Division of Computer Science, School of The Sciences
Texas Woman's University
Address: MCL 302, PO Box 425886, Denton, TX 76204-5886
Office Phone: 940-898-2177
Email: WXu1 AT twu DOT edu