Multifunctional Materials Laboratory
Sudakar Chandran's Research Group
Department of Physics, IIT Madras
Dr. Sudakar Chandran
Department of Physics
Indian Institute of Technology Madras
Chennai, Tamilnadu 600036
(Tel) 91-44-2257-4895
Email: csudakar at gmail dot com;
csudakar at iitm dot ac dot in;
Defect Engineering of Multifunctional Materials
Our group’s research is focused on controlling the growth and properties of a wide range of Multifunctional Materials in the form of thin films, nanostructures, complex heterostructures, and characterizing the structural and chemical properties by a wide range of techniques with a special focus on high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) and spectroscopic techniques (XPS, Raman, UV-vis, IR) to understand the defect-structure property correlations. Room temperature semiconducting oxides, multiferroics, nanostructured magnetic materials for biomedical applications, and nanostructured oxides for energy conversion, Li-ion battery, and solar cell applications are the areas of focus in our research group.
Academic Identity
Orcid Id 0000-0003-2863-338X
Scopus Id 14069136600
Researcher Id A-3393-2013
Google Scholar Id pss7hxgAAAAJ
Microsoft Academic Search Id 2064579331
Recent Research Output from MFML
Soumyadip Mitra, Thilini Rathnayaka Mudiyanselage, Xijue Wang, Gourav Lohar, Deepak Dubal* and Chandran Sudakar*
Bolstering the rate performance of Co-free Ni-rich layered oxide cathode through a rapid heating method
Batteries and Supercaps, 2025, xxxx, xxx, xxx
(Published February 10, 2025)
Rakshitha H. Ashwath, Chandran Sudakar*
Diamond-Shaped Rb3Sb2I9 Microcrystals: Structural and Optical Properties
Cryst. Growth Des. 2025, XXXX, XXX, XXX-XXX (Published February 7, 2025)
Sayan Ghosh, Subhajit Nandy, Abhijitha Valalahally Gopala, Tarak K. Patra, Keun Hwa Chae, Birabar Ranjit Kumar Nanda, Chandran Sudakar*
Defect-Induced Li-Ion Trapping and Hopping in a Grain Boundary-Engineered Li1.3Al0.3Ti1.7(PO4)3 Solid-State Electrolyte
ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces (2025), XXXX, XXX, XXX-XXX
DOI: (Published January 31, 2025)
Maurya Sandeep Pradeepkumar#, A Kathirvel#, Sayan Ghosh, C. Sudakar*
Cs2AgBiBr6 and Related Halide Double Perovskite Porous Single Crystals
Scientific Reports, 15, 843 (2025)
Ayusmin Panda, Rakshitha Ashwath, Chandran Sudakar*, Birabar Ranjit Kumar Nanda*
Fabry-Perot resonances in Rb3Sb2I9 microcrystals for optical sensing applications
ACS Applied Optical Materials (accepted), 2025
Bidisha Priyadarsini Jena, C. Sudakar*
Micron-Sized 2D Marcasite FeTe2 Nanocrystals for Spintronics Applications
ACS Applied Nano Materials
2024, 7, 22, 26215–26225
Sayan Ghosh, C. Sudakar
Isotropic Negative Thermal Expansion of Li1.3Al0.3Ti1.7(PO4)3 Solid-State Electrolyte
Journal of Materials Chemistry A (2024) 12, 29271
Subitan Laskar, Chandran Sudakar
Photostable Cs0.5Rb0.5PbBr3 Quantum Dots for Whispering Gallery Mode Lasing
ACS Applied Optical Materials, 2024, 2, 8, 1591–1599 (2024)
Indian Patent by Sudakar C, Lokeswararao Yelamnchi and Akshay Kumar Budumuru
This patent from our group reveals an electrode active material based on Sb2S3 for improving electrochemical performance of lithium-ion batteries by limiting its charging discharging in the alloying regime. Lokeswararao Yelamnchi and Akshay Kumar Budumuru contributed for this invention (Application filed on July 07, 2022, Application No.: 202241039060) Indian Patent No. 540566 (Date of Grant 31-05-2024)
Athrey C Dakshinamurthy, C. Sudakar
Influence of the octahedral cation on the evolution of lattice phonons in metal halide double perovskites: Raman spectroscopic investigation of Cs2B'B''Cl6 (B' = Ag1-xNax; B'' = Bi1-xInx)
Physical Review Materials 7, 065401 (2023)
Sayan Ghosh, C. Sudarshan, C. Sudakar
Influence of lattice vibrations and phonon interactions on the ion transport properties of grain boundary tailored Li1.3Al0.3Ti1.7(PO4)3 solid-state electrolyte ceramics
Journal of Applied Physics 133, 245106 (2023)
Whispering gallery mode micro-lasing in CsPbI3 quantum dots coated on TiO2 microspherical resonating cavities
Subitan Laskar, Athrey C Dakshinamurthy, Sivakumar Chithamallu, C. Sudarshan, and C. Sudakar, Optics Letters, Vol. 48, Issue 10, pp. 2643-2646 (2023)
Athrey C Dakshinamurthy, Mayank Gupta, B R K Nanda*, and C. Sudakar*
Anionic Alloying in Hybrid Halide Cs2AgBiBr6–xClx Double Perovskites: Is it True Alloying or Preferential Occupation of Halide Ions in MX6 Octahedra?
J. Phys. Chem. C 2023, 2023, 127, 3, 1588–1597.
Publication Date:December 30, 2022
The octahedra in alloyed perovskites, Cs2AgBiBr6–xClx, cannot have an equal number of Cl or Br. It can only be made up of preferentially occupied Cl- or Br-rich octahedra. The total energy of the relaxed configuration for Cs2AgBiBr3Cl3 is shown in the black circles. The octahedra represent the complementary pairs of Br6–xClx and BrxCl6–x. Therefore, mixed anionic alloyed perovskites are not truly homogeneous alloys as the anion cannot mix up uniformly in the double perovskite structure. View the article.
Lithium Vanadium Polyanionic Composite Multielectron Intercalation Cathode Derived from Thermodynamically Unstable Li2VP2O7/Li2VP2O7F
Y. Lokeswararao, M. Viji, Akshay Kumar Budumuru, C. Sudarshan, Sanjiv Kumar, and C. Sudakar
Multielectron intercalation materials are of great interest. In this work Lokesh explored the possibility of making Li2VP2O7F and Lo2VP2O7 and found that these compounds are not stable unlike it was expected to be so. Interestingly, it forms approximately equimolar composition of three phases (see figure). Despite its composite nature we could show reversible two Li ion intercalation reaction in these compositions.
ACS Appl. Energy Mater. (2022)
Indian Patent by Subhajit Nandy, B R K Nanda and Sudakar Chandran
This is the second patent from our group. Dr. Subhajit Nandy did extensive device studies before we came up with the optimized conditions for all-solid-state photoferroelectric photovoltaic solar cell devices using bismuth ferrite and derived materials. We also have our theory collaborator, Prof. BRK Nanda, for theoretical insights on the role of oxygen vacancies in the optimization of the material's properties.
Indian Patent by Sudakar C, Tapan Kumar Das and P. Ilaiyaraja
This is fourth patent from our group. Dr. Tapan Kumar Das and Dr. P. Ilaiyaraja did extensive optimization on tailoring the blue, green, and green-red emission from inorganic crystalline (Cd, Zn)Se quantum dots-ZnSe amorhous phase composite for white light applications.
Athrey C. Dakshinamurthy and C. Sudakar*
Photoinduced degradation of thermally stable Cs2AgBiBr6 double perovskites by micro-Raman studies
Mater. Adv., 3 (2022) 5813-5817
Sublattice Distortion Enabled Strong Interplay between Phonon Vibrations, Electron–Phonon Coupling, and Self-Trapped Excitonic Emissions in Cs2Ag1–xNaxBiCl6 Double Perovskites
Athrey C. Dakshinamurthy and C. Sudakar*
J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2022, 13, 2, 433–439
Publication Date:January 6, 2022
Rohini Sanikop, Nitika Arya, Viswanath Balakrishnan, C. Sudakar
Charge Pumping by Contact Electrification Using Electrostatic Force Microscopy in Bi- and Tri-Layered MoS2 Nanosheets
The Journal of Physical Chemistry, Part C: Energy, Materials, and Catalysis, 125, 22, (2021) 12155–12165
S. Nandy, Pavana S. V. Mocherla, E. Abdelhamid, B. Nadgorny, R. Naik and C. Sudakar
Coexistence of large negative and positive magnetodielectric response in Bi1-xCaxFe1-yTiyO3-d nanoparticle ceramics
Phys. Rev. B, 103, (2021) 184406.
A.C. Dakshinamurthy, C. Sudakar
Bandgap engineering and sublattice distortion driven bandgap bowing in Cs2Ag1-xNaxBiCl6 double perovskites
Applied Physics Letters, 118 (2021) 131902. (Editor's Pick)
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Contributing to a better world
Exploring Double Perovskite Materials for an enlightening and sustainable future
Science and Technology (The Hindu Businessline)
New double-perovskite: A step closer to holy grail of solar cells
Y. Lokeswararao, M. Viji, Akshay Kumar Budumuru and C. Sudakar
Enabling high-rate capability by combining sol-gel synthesis and solid-state reaction with PTFE of 4.2 V cathode material LiVPO4F/C
Materials Today Communications, 27 (2021) 102435
M. Viji, Akshay Kumar Budumuru, Vidyashree Hebbar, Sanjeev Gautam, Keun Hwa Chae, and C. Sudakar
Influence of Morphology and Compositional Mixing on Electrochemical Performance of Li-rich Layered Oxides Derived from Nano-platelet Shaped Transition Metal Oxide-hydroxide Precursors
Energy & Fuels, 35 (5) (2021) 4533-4549