- About me:
I am a Computer Vision Researcher at CRL, Toshiba Europe Ltd, UK. Before joining CRL, I got my PhD in Computer Vision in 2018 at University of York, UK. My research supervisors are Dr. William Smith and Prof. Edwin Hancock.
I received my B.Eng. and Master degree in Computer Science both in my hometown Xi'an from Northwestern Polytechnical University, in China.
My research interests lie in solving interesting computer vision problems using pattern recognition and machine learning methods. My current research is on the intersection of computer vision and computer graphics, more specifically, the statistical 3D shape modelling.
Selected Publications:
C. Zhang, S. Liwicki, "Lifted Semantic Graph Embedding for Omnidirectional Place Recognition", 3DV 2021
C. Zhang, S. Liwicki, "Rotation Equivariant Orientation Estimation for Omnidirectional Localization ", ACCV 2020
C. Zhang, S. He, S. Liwicki, "A Spherical Approach of Planar Semantic Segmentation", BMVC 2020.
C. Zhang, S. Liwicki, Will Smith, R. Cipolla, "Orientation-aware semantic segmentation on icosahedron spheres ", ICCV 2019.
B. Heeren, C. Zhang, Martin Rumpf, Will Smith, "Principal Geodesic Analysis in the Space of Discrete Shells", Computer Graphics Forum, 2018.
C. Zhang, Sergi Pujades, Michale Black, and Gerard Pons-Moll, "Detailed, accurate, human shape estimation from clothed 3D scan sequences." In Proc. CVPR 2017.
C. Zhang, W.A.P. Smith, A. Dessein, N.E. Pears and H. Dai, "Functional Faces: Groupwise Dense Correspondence using Functional Maps." In Proc. CVPR, 2016. [pdf], [GitHub]
C. Zhang, B. Heeren, M. Rumpf, and W.A.P. Smith, "Shell PCA: statistical shape modelling in shell space." In Proc. ICCV 2015. [pdf], [GitHub], [slides] [video] [poster]
G. Guo, and C. Zhang. "A Study on Cross-population Age Estimation." In Proc. CVPR 2014.
C. Zhang, and G. Guo. "Age estimation with expression changes using multiple aging subspaces." In Proc. BTAS 2013.
C. Zhang, and G. Guo. "Exploiting Unlabeled Ages for Aging Pattern Analysis on a Large Database." CVPRW 2013.
Contact me:
Email: cschaozhang@gmail.com