Math 413 - Numerical Analysis - Fall 2014

Instructor: Christopher Sadowski

Email: csadowski at ursinus dot edu

Office: Pfahler Hall 101L

Office Hours: T, Th 3:00 - 4:00 and by appointment.

Location: Pfahler Hall 109

Text: Numerical Analysis, Ninth Edition, by Richard L. Burden and J. Douglas Faires


-20% Homework and Maple Assignments

-20% Midterm 1

-20% Midterm 2

-40% Final Exam


Midterm 1 will be held on Tuesday, 9/30/14.

Midterm 1 solutions

Midterm 2 will be held on Tuesday, 11/11/14

Midterm 2 solutions

Final Exam will be held on Friday/ 12/12/14 in the usual classroom.

Homework and Maple Labs: There will be weekly homework assigned. Some assignments will involve Maple programming. Students can request Maple to be installed on their laptops at Myrin Library Tech Support. A helpful introduction to Maple can be found here:

Homework 1 (due 9/4/14):

Section 1.1: 1, 5, 8, 15

Section 2.1: 1, 7, 10, 12

Homework 2 (due 9/11/14):

Section 2.2: 1abc, 2abc, 5, 17, 20

Section 2.3 20abde (use both Newton's method and the secant method and compare your results. The secant method requires numbers p0 and p1. Use the p1 you obtained with Newton's method for this).

Future homeworks and assignments will be sent out by email.

Syllabus (subject to change as the course progresses):

Week 1: 8/26, 8/28

Section 1.1 Review of Calculus

Section 2.1: The Bisection Method. Code discussed in class can be found here.

Please see comments at the top of code for instructions.

Week 2: 9/2, 9/4

Section 2.2: Fixed Point Iteration

Section 2.3: Newton's Method and Its Extensions

Week 3: 9/9, 9/11

Section 2.4: Error Analysis For Iterative Methods

Section 3.1: Interpolation and the Lagrange Polynomial

Week 4: 9/16, 9/18

Section 3.1 continued

Section 3.3: Divided Differences

Week 5: 9/23, 9/25

Section 3.4: Hermite Interpolation

Section 3.5 Cubic Spline Interpolation

Week 6: 9/30, 10/2

Midterm 1, Covering everything up to and including 3.3

Section 3.5 Cubic Spline Interpolation continued

Week 7: 10/6, 10/9

Section 4.1 Numerical Differentiation

Section 4.2 Richardson Extrapolation

Week 8: 10/16

Section 4.3: Elements of Numerical Integration

Week 9: 10/ 21, 10/23

Section 4.3 continued

Section 4.4: Composite Numerical Integration

Week 10: 10/28, 10/30

Section 4.5: Romberg Integration

Section 4.6: Adaptive Quadrature

Week 11: 11/4, 11/6

Section 4.7 Gaussian Quadrature

Section 4.9 Improper Integrals

Week 12: 11/11, 11/13

Midterm 2 will be on 11/11/14.

Week 13: 11/18, 11/20

Section 5.1 The Theory of Initial Value Problems

Section 5.2 Euler's Method

Week 14: 11/24

Section 5.3: Taylor Methods

Week 15: 12/2, 12/4

Section 5.4: Runge-Kutta Methods