Crystal Wong

Welcome to my personal website. I am an associate professor in the Economics department at National Tsing Hua University.

Curriculum Vitae: PDF

My research interests are labor economics, family economics and the economics of law and policy. My research primarily focuses on understanding the evolving marriage institution and how it affects family behavior and human well-being.


1."When Homemakers Are Compensated: The Effect of Homemaking Provisions on Spousal Time Allocation," Journal of Legal Studies, vol.52(1), 2023, pp107-136. 

2.  "Securities Auctions with Pre-project Information Management," International Journal of Industrial Organization, 88, 102929, 2023 (with Tak-Yuen Wong) 

3. "Can’t Wait Any Longer? The Length of Waiting Periods and Remarriage," American Law and Economics Review, 23(2): 255-306 (2022 Runner up for Best Empirical Paper published in the American Law and Economics Review)

4. " Mothers’ Caregiving during COVID: The Impact of Marital Property Laws on Women’s Labor Force Status," Economics & Human Biology, 47, 101170, 2022. (with Cynthia Bansak and Shoshana Grossbard)

5. "Ethnic Assortative Matching in Marriage and Family Outcomes: Evidence from the Mass Migration to the United States during 1900-1930," Journal of Population Economics,  vol.29(3), 2016, pp.817-848.

6. "From A Treatise on Money to the General Theory: John Maynard Keynes’ Departure from the Doctrine of Forced Saving," History of Political Economy, vol.48(3), 2016, pp.515-544.

7. "Credible Commitments and Marriage: When the Homemaker Gets Her Share at Divorce," Journal of Demographic Economics, vol.82(3), 2016, pp.241-279.

8. "An Exploratory Empirical Note on the Relationship between Labour Market Freedom and the Female Labour Force Participation Rate in US Metropolitan Areas,” Empirical Economics Letters, vol.15(11), 2016.  (with Dean Stansel)

9.“Immigrant Ethnic Composition and the Adoption of Women’s Suffrage in the United States,” in Public Choice Analyses of American Economic History: Volume 2 by Joshua Hall and Marcus Witcher, editors. New York: Springer, 2018. (with J.R. Clark and Joshua Hall)

Selected Working Papers:


Areas of Research: Applied Microeconomics, Labor Economics, Demographic Economics, Family Economics, Economics of Law and  History of Economic Thought