Net Report Templates

3 Different templates available that can be used for the weekly report. All 3 will send the same data. Choose version you are most comfortable with to use.

Note: A discussion on templates will occur at the next CRERCC Monthly and we may slim this down to fewer options moving forward. But in the meantime, experience the various options available and send us your feedback.

To install the templates, download the file(s) to your directory. It should be placed at C:/RMS Express/"your callsign"/Templates

To use, when you open a new message, do a select templates and look in your "callsign" folder for the template you wish to use.

The 3 options for the templates are shown below.

CRERCC Weekly Simple Text Template

CRERCC Weekly Interactive Text Template

CRERCC Weekly HTML Template

2 files are needed, html and the text files