“Take Ye Eat. This is my body...For this is my blood of the New testament, which shall be shed for many unto remission of sins” Matthew 26:26

The Formation of the Traditional Roman Rite Of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass

I - Mass of the Catechumens

A) Preparatory Prayers at the foot of the Altar

1. Sign of the Cross

** Said freely from earliest times and imposed to all by St Pius V (1570)

2. Psalm 42 Judica Me...

3. Confiteor and Verses

B) From the Introit to the Creed

4. Introit St Celestinus (422-432)

5. Kyrie eleison 1st Century

6. Gloria in Excelsis 1st Century

7. Collect 1st Century

8. Epistle freely from 1st Century; fixed by St Damasus (366-384)

9. Gradual - Alleluia (Tract) early centuries, Sequence - 9th Century

10. Gospel freely from 1st Century; fixed by St Damasus (366-384)

11. Creed until 4th Century, Apostle Creed, then Nicean (425) Creed

II - Mass of the Faithful

A) Offertory

12. Offering of Bread Suscipe, Sancte Pater Spain 8th Century, Rome 11th Century

13. Mixing of Water and Wine Deus qui humanae substantiae The rite: Our Lord; the prayer: early centuries

14. Offering of Wine Offerimus Spain 8th Century; Rome 11th Century

15. In Spiritu Humilitatis - Veni Sanctificator Spain 8th Century; Rome 11th Century

16. Lavabo The rite: before 4th Century; the prayer: 7th-8th century

17. Suscipe Sancta Trinitas 11th century; Rome 12th century

18. Orate Fratres 9th century

19. Secret Prayer

B) Canon

20. Preface Before 5th century Gelasius (492-496) wrote many, Pelagius II (579-590)

21. Sanctus From the Apostles

**Most of the following prayers go back to the first centuries

22. Te igitur

23. Memento of the Living

24. Communicantes

25. Hanc Igitur the 2nd part, from the words diesque nostros in tua pace dispones were added by Pope St Gregory during the siege of Rome by the Lombards

26. Quam oblationem

27. Qui Pridie

28. Two Consecrations

29. Unde et Memores

30. Supra Quae

31. Supplices te rogamus

32. Memento of the Dead

33. Nobis quoque peccatoribus

34. Per Ipsum

C) Communion

35. Pater Noster From the Apostles

36. Libera nos

37. Commingling of Body and Blood 1st century

38. Agnus Dei Sergius I (687-701)

39. First Prayer before Communion Domine Jesu Christe 10th century

40. The Kiss of Peace 1st century

41. Second and Third Prayers before communion 10th century

42. Communion 1st century

43. Two Ablution Prayers Prayers: before the 8th century; rite: irregularly until 13th century

44. Communion Verse 4th century

45. Post Communion 1st centuries

46. Ite Missa est 1st-2nd century

47. Prayer to the Blessed Trinity Placeat Before the 9th century

48. Blessing The Blessing itself: 1st century; at this moment of the Mass: 11th century

49. Last Gospel 10th century by devotion; by law: from St Pius V (1566-1572)