Counterpoint - ACT Test Prep

Counterpoint is written and taught by teachers who know how to teach content and test taking strategies, not just by someone who did well on the ACT or SAT.


* Counterpoint is taught by teachers who have taught high school students and had experience diagnosing learning styles and difficulties in understanding.

* Counterpoint’s program is not a cram course, but content and practice that actually prepare the student for college as well as for the test.

* Counterpoint offers a Pinpoint thinking process: You learn to focus on relevant info and ignore irrelevant details.

* Counterpoint offers a lesson on Basic Skills for those students who need basic grammar concepts. Courses refer back to the lessons on those basic concepts, so students understand the vocabulary of grammar, which is necessary for the application of grammar rules.

* Test taking strategies for all areas are embedded within the teaching of content, as well as taught in separate lessons.

* Lessons follow an effective teaching format: Objective is stated clearly and teaching of content is accompanied with examples and practice.

* You don’t have to travel, thereby wasting time and perhaps finding a driver who has to wait during a lesson.

* You can learn on your own schedule, 24/7, fitting test preparation in with extracurricular activities and homework. You don’t have to fit into a tutor’s schedule.

* Teaching is clear and concise, with an effort not to overload with information you won’t need for the test.

* You can go back to the teaching of items you get wrong on the practice test.

* You have the combination of online teaching and practice, plus paper practice of actual tests to mimic the actual testing situation.