Public Catalogs
The current catalog is based on the SDSS Data Release 7 main sample and LRG catalogs, SDSS DR9, SDSS DR10, and three sets of simulations and their associated mock catalogs.
Versions of the catalog are labeled with the release date. The most up-to-date catalog will always be at the top.
For details, see the README.
The catalog contains a routine which you can use to parse the raw ZOBOV output to get member galaxy positions.
If you any void sample for your work, please reference this journal article.
If you use the "1024" mock catalog for your work, please also reference this journal article.
If you use the SDSS DR9, "lanl" mock catalog, or "2lpt" mock catalog, please also reference this journal article.
If you use the SDSS DR10, please also reference this journal article.
Feel free to request additional processing and/or analysis from the corresponding author, but note that any such requests will be treated as invitations for collaboration and co-authorship!
Our void-finding code VIDE is available for download here.
Latest version:
void_catalog_2015.03.31 (only observational data)
Older catalogs:
*Due to space constraints these catalogs are available upon request.