Benjamin Cooper

University of Iowa

14 MacLean Hall

Iowa City, IA


Email: address 

Picture of me



A braid group action on an A-infinity category for zigzag algebras, with J. Sussan and Y. Qi, for I. Frenkel 70th

An incompatibility between spectrification and the Szabo spectral sequence with P. Paul and N. Seguin

The Hall Algebras of Surfaces II in preparation.

The Hall Algebras of Annuli with P. Samuelson accepted to MRL.

Preprojective Analogue of the Cone Construction with J. Sussan accepted to Homol. Homotopy Appl.

Gradation of Algebras of Curves by Winding Number with M. I. Bakira  New York J. Math. 24 (2018) 661–688.

The Hall Algebras of Surfaces I with P. Samuelson J. Inst. Math. Jussieu (link).

Formal contact categories accepted to AGT.

Steenrod Structures on Categorified Quantum Groups with A. Beliakova Fund. Math. 241, 2018, 179-207.

Categorical Representations of the Modular Group Forum Math. 28, no. 1, 2016, 89-99.

An Exceptional Collection for Khovanov Homology with M. Hogancamp. Algebr. Geom. Topol. 15, no. 5, 2015, 2659-2707.

Deformations of nilHecke Algebras. Special Issue of A. Math. Viet. 39, no. 4, 2014, 515-527.

Handle Slides and Localizations of Categories with V. Krushkal. Int. Math. Res. Not. 2012; doi: 10.1093/imrn/rns108

SO(3) Homology of Graphs and Links with V. Krushkal and M. Hogancamp. Algebr. Geom. Topol. 11, no. 4, 2011, 1861-2235.

Categorification of the Jones-Wenzl Projectors with V. Krushkal. Quantum Topology 3, no. 2, 2012, 139-180.

Topological Field Theory and Harrison Homology Letters in Mathematical Physics; 2012 doi: 10.1007/s11005-012-0597-y.

Graduate students:

2024 Matthew Barber and Nick Cecil

2023 Pravakar Paul, Hoang An (Andy) Nguyen, Nick Cecil, Matthew Barber

2022 Pravakar Paul, Hoang An (Andy) Nguyen

2021 Mohamed Imad Bakhira, Pravakar Paul, Hoang An (Andy) Nguyen, Nicholas Seguin. 

2020 Mitchell Messmore, Mohamed Imad Bakhira, Pravakar Paul (What?!)

2019 Rebeccah MacKinnon, Mitchell Messmore, Mohamed Imad Bakhira, Pravakar Paul

2018 Rebeccah MacKinnon, Mitchell Messmore, Mohamed Imad Bakhira


Slides: from Montreal Summer 2017

Hall-Fukaya Seminar Spring 2016

Math 7400: Topology of manifolds (syllabus) Fall 2016

Slides: Seattle Formal contact categories 2016

Advances in Quantum and Low-dimensional Topology (link) Spring 2016

Math 7400: Topology of manifolds (syllabus) Fall 2014

Topics in Zurich: A-infinity, Derived TFT (notes) 2012

Slides: from Knots in Washington December 2010

UVa Topics: course (syllabus) Fall 2010 

Coopers: 1998, 2018