Some more competitions, can be counted as strength testings...In short, the below testings played mainly for this tour: Results
1. A mini tournament, where SF15 managed to win... ! 1 Stockfish 15 50.0 - 50.051.0 - 49.0** 101.0/2002 Sword-PB-14.9a 50.0 - 50.049.5 - 50.5 ** 99.5/200 3 SF PB 130322 49.0 - 51.050.5 - 49.5 ** 99.5/200
*The Overall Draw ratio (based on 300 games) very high: 93%----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2. The Target is to see which engines are more Drawish:
1 SF PB 130322 (Copy) +8/-6/=186 50.50% 101.0/2002 SF PB 130322 +6/-8/=186 49.50% 99.0/200
* SF-PB's Draw ratio (based on 200 games) is the highest: 93% Actually SF-PB produces very high draws as NON-NNUE too 1 Sword-PB-14.9a (Copy) +11/-8/=181 50.75% 101.5/2002 Sword-PB-14.9a +8/-11/=181 49.25% 98.5/200
*Sword-PB's overall Draw ratio (based on 200 games) is high: 90% 1 Stockfish 15 +10/-9/=181 50.25% 100.5/2002 Stockfish 15 (Copy) +9/-10/=181 49.75% 99.5/200
*SF15's overall Draw ratio (based on 200 games) is high too: 90%
Games----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3. Hash-Table Test: 64 MB vs 128 MB 1 Stockfish 15 64mb +10/-5/=185 51.25% 102.5/2002 Stockfish 15 128mb +5/-10/=185 48.75% 97.5/200
*Note: 64 MB hash is stronger... plus via Komodo Dragon too: Results

More DetailsFor the above testings: Balsa opening suite (up to 5 moves) is usedAnd as usual, the current engines played the same opening as twiceE.g Komodo vs Cfish: the overall draw ratio is approx. 84% ResultsNote also that Komodo vs Cfish NNUE test played with TC: 1m+0.5sI mean with faster TC as 30s+0.6s is expecting to appear less drawsAnd the same Balsa suite is produced even 12% draws for ResultsIn other words, it's clear that some of the chess engines are moreDrawish, but not these openings for sure..
Let me say please a few more words about openings, for examples:Why some opening suites produce much less draws than Balsa?-Simply due to they are much weaker than my favorite openings...There is no any other explanation over these issues ...Tested, guaranteed and all these facts are already proven!
Btw, here is an example, which perfectly suits over these issues..I mean about testings via weak openings: it's something like:You crossed an area, which is planted with explosive mines..So after all: it does not mean that you are a BIG hero...Simply the luck is played a role that you stayed alive..!)
But here, checking these Results, the luck does not play any BIG role!And in case of using those handicapped, critical, weak openings, thenBe careful, you have no much chances to see the real engine strength!I mean about recent opening testings too, for anyone missed Results
And I have a small advice to all engine testers, If you really looking for high wins ratio, thenSimply you have to use weaker chess engines....But don't forget to use strong openings (for both sides)Let's give a chance for Whites/Blacks to win...because,Chess is playing by two players, right ?)
And I hope all my data helps...!
