Breaking NewsNON-NNUE tour is over...and many thanks to all engine programmers!The target was testing Top NON-NN Engines+less than 50% in SimilarityFor more fair conditions, those engines via NN Evalfiles did not allowedDue to Book Learning enabled: each player used a separate copy of book NON-NN CS I's Winner: Stockfish - My Congratulations to SF Team! # PLAYER : RATING POINTS GAMES (%) 1 Stockfish 080121 : 3686.9 350.0 500 70.0% 2 Komodo 14 : 3582.0 268.5 500 53.7% 3 Houdini 6.03 : 3550.0 242.5 500 48.5% 4 SlowChess 2.5 : 3546.9 240.0 500 48.0% 5 Ethereal 12.75 : 3537.1 232.0 500 46.4% 6 Xiphos 0.6 : 3454.7 167.0 500 33.4%
Calculated by Ordo chess program / Houdini 6.03 engine is fixed to 3550 Elo
More Details:• For better performance, played as MP / Ponder ON/ Book Learning ON• All of the chess engines are 64-bit / BMI2 is used where is available...• The overall draw percentage (based on 1500 games) is not high 66%• Download all the played tournament games (in PGN): NON-NN CS I