Latest Update: 01.11.2022

Hello there )

As usual, I'm pleased to announce that,I've managed to organize a new tourney!

1st of all,Current tour's 2nd name can be called as Silver League!Not sure, but in case.. there will be as Bronze League too,Where the players will be between 68%-74% (in Similarity)Btw, for anyone missed, Gold League (up to 60%) Results
Some Notes,Current tour's target is between 60% - 68% (in Similarity)As players, testing NNUE chess engines of 3400+ EloThis time, the latest Stockfish engine is not participated...Because Stockfish15 is already played (up to 60%) tour
And here are the played 22 (twenty-two ) participants:Note: all of them 60%+ but less than 68% (via Simex2)Btw, the latest Simex2's results available too: Download
NNUE CS XXI Winner: Raubfisch - Congrats to Raubfisch+SF Team! Congrats to rest players as well...without you..this tour would not exist!

# PLAYER : RATING POINTS GAMES (%) 1 Raubfisch X48e : 3738.0 277.0 420 66.0% 2 pHoBiA 3.7 : 3716.5 265.5 420 63.2% 3 Redfish 220921 : 3716.5 265.5 420 63.2% 4 KomodoDragon 3.1 : 3715.6 265.0 420 63.1% 5 Eman 7.40 : 3708.2 261.0 420 62.1% 6 Crystal 060622 : 3704.6 259.0 420 61.7% 7 Fat Fritz 2 : 3700.0 256.5 420 61.1% 8 BrainLearn 13 : 3694.6 253.5 420 60.4% 9 Vafra 12.2 Cfish : 3673.9 242.0 420 57.6% 10 Cfish 190820 : 3667.7 238.5 420 56.8% 11 Bluefish 13.1 : 3659.7 234.0 420 55.7% 12 Berserk 250722 : 3647.4 227.0 420 54.0% 13 Lcfish 010421 : 3636.8 221.0 420 52.6% 14 Koivisto 8.16 : 3633.3 219.0 420 52.1% 15 Revenge 3.0 : 3614.0 208.0 420 49.5% 16 Seer 2.6.0 : 3586.6 192.5 420 45.8% 17 Minic 3.3.0 : 3532.3 162.5 420 38.7% 18 Rebel 15.1 : 3490.4 140.5 420 33.5% 19 BlackMarlin 7 : 3473.4 132.0 420 31.4% 20 Igel 3.1.0 : 3453.9 122.5 420 29.2% 21 Halogen 11.4 : 3377.6 89.0 420 21.2% 22 Wasp 6.00 : 3376.3 88.5 420 21.1%

• Calculated by Ordo / Fat Fritz fixed to 3700 / Draw-Ratio:(4620 games) 65%

More Details,I've noticed other NN engines, which are 60%+In Similarity, but they are out due to weaker than3400+ Elo, for example, just only a few of them:Marvin 6.1.0, Smallbrain 6, Zahak 10 etc. Btw,Halogen, Wasp performed below than expected...Note that some of the tests are done via Sim v03,Because several of them suffer via Simex 2 tool
And to be more clear,In my understanding, if they are close (in Similarity)Then simply theirs strength should be close as well e.gIf others (as NN) managed to do that... (mainly 3600+)Why not rest ?)
By the way, without to not mention this I can't as well:We have many other NN engines, which are over than 68%In similarity and mostly of their strength are close to 3700+Anyhow, due to new rules:..I can't test all of them...SORRYThanks for understanding...
What I can say more,I am doing my best about to not make double standards..!Yes.. I test any chess engine, which is suitable to the rules..Unfortunately I can't say same words for majority of testers...Where they refuse to test many engines, it seems they thinkSome of them are clones, but the others are original..hehe ))And what a pity to say that, but we have to live with that...
As Final Words,I hope to see new engines, which will be differentTo each other...thanks in advance! and in this way,Exc. that the overall draw ratio will be falling down!Plus the matches will be much more interesting!
