Last Update: 18.09.2022

Dear Chess Friends,

As usually, I am pleased to announced that,

Another new NNUE competition of 3300+ Elo

The previous results can be viewed XIII / XIV

Some Notes:

Main target: testing latest releases,Total: 21 chess engines!

And almost all BMI2 vers, played via their default EvalFiles

All engines used to play with Balsa suite (reversed colors)

Note also that just out of curiosity, two SF vers. more tested:

SF310720 is the last NON-NNUE vers. plus the other one is

Stockfish 260820, which belongs to the 1st NNUE releases..

Now we can compare the Elo difference between them...e.g:

In 2 years, SF (NNUE vs NNUE) is improved approx.130 Elo

SF (NON - NNUE vs NNUE) is improved over than 210 Elo

Sure these Elo values are based on Blitz TC, I mean in faster

Or slower time controls SF Elo improvements can be different

Plus via weak openings, Elo diff. can be different,more Details

Btw, Stockfish 110922 has no any single loss..Unbelievable!

Anyhow, just a fun competition...enjoy...!)

The Winner of CS XVI: Stockfish - My Congratulations to SF team!


1 Stockfish 110922 : 3767.4 479.0 600 79.8%

2 Komodo Dragon 3.1 : 3728.4 456.0 600 76.0%

3 Berserk 10-dev : 3637.5 394.0 600 65.7%

4 Stockfish 260820 : 3637.5 394.0 600 65.7%

5 Koivisto 8.13 : 3619.5 380.5 600 63.4%

6 Revenge 3 : 3601.9 367.0 600 61.2%

7 RubiChess 130822 : 3557.5 332.0 600 55.3%

8 SlowChess 2.9 : 3552.5 328.0 600 54.7%

9 SF310720 NON-NN : 3550.0 326.0 600 54.3%

10 rofChade 3 : 3521.5 303.0 600 50.5%

11 Seer 2.5.0 : 3500.6 286.0 600 47.7%

12 Minic 3.30 : 3487.0 275.0 600 45.8%

13 Rebel 15.1 : 3458.9 252.5 600 42.1%

14 Arasan 23.4 : 3458.3 252.0 600 42.0%

15 Black Marlin 7 : 3448.2 244.0 600 40.7%

16 Igel 3.1.0 : 3436.1 234.5 600 39.1%

17 Devre 4.0 : 3427.8 228.0 600 38.0%

18 Wasp 6.0 : 3412.2 216.0 600 36.0%

19 Booot 7.0 : 3398.3 205.5 600 34.3%

20 Velvet 4.1.0 : 3355.4 174.5 600 29.1%

21 Fritz 18 NNUE : 3352.6 172.5 600 28.8%

• Calculated by Ordo chess program / SF310720 is fixed to 3550 Elo

More Details

• Booot7 played under Arena GUI(due to crashes under Cutechess)

Uralochka 3.38c is out due to crashes under Arena and Cutechess

• The overall draw ratio (based on 6300 games) is not so high: 57%

• Download all the played tournament games (in PGN format) XVI

