Last Update: 26.04.2022
Hello Chess Friends,

As usual, I am pleased to announce,I've organized another series of NNUE competitions
And a long time is passed, Since I did not test the latest Top NNUE engines of 3000+
Meanwhile, just a few words about latest Lco 0.28.2.engine...I need my money back. GTX 1050ti and GTX 1650ti cards !Just joking...)) normally I like Lc0 !..and to be more serious...After many Networks testings, LS15 seems to be still as best..!At least on my machines, e.g the latest NN files suffer (30x384 etc)In short, during eng matches: the CPU speed is getting effected..I think that 20x256 nets are more stable, stronger on my cards...It seems that Lc0 team is concentrated mainly on high-end GPUs...On other hand, what about now?) and I have to switch to RTX...?)Btw, some time ago..I purchased a faster card...for more DetailsLco LS15 is not tested, because its strength is clear in older tours..
About current participated NNUE engines,The man target is that, testing new versions via own default EvalfilesIt seems, some of the engines perform better under these conditions...Note also that Clover 3.1 engine is out due to crashed several times

NNUE CS XIII Winner: Stockfish 15 - My Congratulations to SF Team!

# PLAYER RATING POINTS GAMES (%) 1 Stockfish 15 : 3741.4 701.0 800 87.6% 2 KomodoDragon 2.6 : 3706.4 682.5 800 85.3% 3 Koivisto 8.6 : 3566.5 588.0 800 73.5% 4 Berserk 8.5.1 : 3547.9 573.0 800 71.6% 5 RubiChess 230222 : 3497.8 530.0 800 66.3% 6 SlowChess 2.83 : 3476.3 510.5 800 63.8% 7 Nemorino 6.0 : 3400.0 437.5 800 54.7% 8 Igel 3.0.5 : 3359.9 397.5 800 49.7% 9 Pedone 3.1 : 3352.9 390.5 800 48.8% 10 Seer 2.4.0 : 3351.9 389.5 800 48.7% 11 Arasan 23.3 : 3340.9 378.5 800 47.3% 12 Halogen 10.23.11 : 3337.9 375.5 800 46.9% 13 Fritz 18 NN : 3308.0 345.5 800 43.2% 14 Minic 3.18 : 3298.5 336.0 800 42.0% 15 Tucano 10 : 3289.4 327.0 800 40.9% 16 Wasp 5.50 : 3250.4 289.0 800 36.1% 17 Velvet 3.3.0 : 3218.6 259.0 800 32.4% 18 Rebel 14.2 : 3212.6 253.5 800 31.7% 19 Combusken 2.0.0 : 3204.4 246.0 800 30.8% 20 Zahak 9.0 : 3182.4 226.5 800 28.3% 21 LGEvolution 3.1.54 : 3104.4 163.5 800 20.4%
• Calculated by Ordo chess program / Nemorino 6.0 engine is fixed to 3400 Elo
More Details:• As usual, all engines are 64-bit, BMI2 is used, where available• Overall draw percentage (based on 8400 games) not high 44%• Download all of the played tour games (in PGN): NNUE CS XIII
