Last Update: 05.03.2022

Hello Chess Friends,

As usual, I'm pleased to announce that, A new idea is born: a tour with limit playing strength!
For example, as participants are mainly the engines, which are capable to Play with limited strength levels..Btw, via Arena 3.5.1 there is a such GUI Option, but anyhow as far as I possible, I tested mostly engines without it... Because just in case, this GUI future is not working at all with WB engines As another problem, mostly UCI engines prefer playing the moves too fast... Plus via this limit GUI option, many don't ponder (during opponent's turn)
However, I have good news as well and so far: I found several chess engines, which are not buggy under these conditions! At least no problem with pondering and they are thinking some time (per move) And here are the main players, which seems to be stable (in limit/level play):
Chessmaster 11 Crafty 22.1 ProDeo 2.2 Rodent 1.0 Stockfish 11 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Just a few CM setting examples: Chessmaster 11: CM11 Inovation CM11 Logan (2855) CM11 Lili (2539) CM11 Jessica (2061) CM11 Josh Age 9 (1800)
Note:These Elo points are based on Chessmaster's author Exception CM11 Inovation, which is rated ~ 2750 Elo Results --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Rodent 1.0: 2600 - GM 2475 - IM 2250 - Master 2000 - Expert 1800 - Club 1600 - Amateur
Note: The above Elo points are according to Rodent's author --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Crafty 22.1: Skill 25, Skill 50, Skill 75 ProDeo 2.2: Strong Club Player Stockfish 11: Skill 4, Skill 9, Skill 14 / 1700, 2200 and 2700 Elo
Meanwhile, exception that Stockfish 11 will be played via Skill levels, I plan to test Stockfish with GUI level option as well e.g 1700 Elo etc. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Note also that a few more other engines will be as players too: Tyrell 1.02 ~ 1800 Elo,: Results Matheus 2.3 ~ 2000 Elo: Results PikoSzachy 4 ~ 2250 Elo: Results Yace 0.99.87 ~ 2450 Elo: Results
Note:The above engines are not able to play with limit strength In short, I realized to test them too...simply just for comparing..!

# PLAYER : RATING POINTS GAMES (%) 1 Stockfish11 2700 Elo : 2883.1 532.0 680 78.2% 2 Stockfish11 Skill 14 : 2756.2 410.0 680 60.3% 3 CM11 Innovation : 2686.0 336.0 680 49.4% 4 Rodent10 GM : 2658.7 307.0 680 45.1% 5 Rodent10 IM : 2559.6 345.0 662 52.1% 6 Prodeo22 Strong Club : 2539.1 268.0 600 44.7% 7 Yace 0.99.87 : 2500.0 323.5 672 48.1% 8 PikoSzachy 4 : 2480.7 542.5 880 61.6% 9 Crafty221 Skill 75 : 2477.7 320.5 732 43.8% 10 CM11 Logan : 2461.4 237.5 562 42.3% 11 Rodent10 Master : 2409.8 340.0 680 50.0% 12 Stockfish11 Skill 9 : 2339.7 254.5 560 45.4% 13 Crafty221 Skill 50 : 2331.8 216.0 460 47.0% 14 Stockfish11 2200 Elo : 2310.1 200.0 460 43.5% 15 CM11 Lili : 2305.3 212.5 520 40.9% 16 Rodent10 Expert : 2258.9 453.0 760 59.6% 17 Matheus 2.3 : 2162.3 354.5 500 70.9% 18 Crafty221 Skill 25 : 2133.5 321.0 480 66.9% 19 Tyrell 1.02 : 2045.7 286.5 500 57.3% 20 Rodent10 Club : 2018.0 285.0 520 54.8% 21 CM11 Josh - Age 9 : 1963.6 235.0 500 47.0% 22 CM11 Jessica : 1914.5 203.5 480 42.4% 23 Stockfish11 Skill 4 : 1843.8 161.0 480 33.5% 24 Rodent10 Amateur : 1789.1 193.0 660 29.2% 25 Stockfish11 1700 Elo : 1725.8 106.5 500 21.3%
More Details:• Current overall draw percentage (based on 7444 games) not so high:27%Calculated by Ordo chess program and Yace 0.99.87 is fixed to 2500 Elo • All the played games are available (in PGN format): SCCT Limit Strength
As Final words, For a better conclusion sure we need more games, however, it's clear that Only a few are more correct in Elo points, if reducing limit playing strength..

Best Wishes, Sedat