Latest Update: 14.01.2022

Hello Chess Friends,

As usual, I am pleased to announce that,

I've managed to organize another new Duel Match:

72g (Sedat Canbaz) Vs Kayra 1.1 (Eduard Nemeth)

What I can say more over the current Duel match,

It's not my BIG pleasure to run this chess event!

Because, I prefer testing mainly others work (not mine)

The reason of running this Duel match is simply that,

After checking some postings on Talkchess and Outskirts

I realized to organize it...otherwise...I can not sorry...

Normally I have to be neutral, independent as a tester...

But my created 72 games book is available: Download

So anyone interested can re-test problem )

Note also that, Kayra 1.1 book is not available any more..

Eduard Nemeth deleted all hist books from his chess site

No any idea, but all this happened after announcing LIX

But I was lucky..that I downloaded Kayra book before...)

Note also that,

If I will see again someones will run my books with

Unfair conditions..I may run / organize another duels !)

In this way, I think the nature will take its course!


72g book is created by Me, based on only 72 games

This micro ctg book is just 32 KB...and up to 25 moves

And as far as I remember,

This is the smallest book that I've ever created...

I have to admit also that

I can not say that my 72g book is very serious one

Because I've spent minus plus 15 minutes for tuning...

And you can not expect much from such tiny book ...

However, I am satisfied with current results..)

To be more clear, my goal is not to demonstrate that,

To show Kayra 1.1 bin book is sure of this!

And as far as I noticed,

Kayra 1.1 book is strong, e.g according to Sylwy test:

Kayra opening book managed to beat my old Perfect 2010

Plus, Kayra 1.1 book performed not so bad in latest LIX

Plus, based on comments (according to Eduard Nemeth),

Kayra was unbeaten in 1300 games (on Playchess) if this is true:

That's really impressive...a great record...once more congrats!

Anyhow, I could not find these famous online games..strange

In other words, simply my goal is that (running this duel),

Any book out there can be does not matter..

Who is the book author, the size or how deep it is etc...

Just saying...and the most important: I've spent very short

Time for case of serious beta book testings..

I expect such tiny, micro books to perform much better...

Btw, without to not mention this I can not too,

A few more notes about my old Perfect 2010 book

It has been released more than 10 years ago...

This old book is mainly up to 8 moves, In short,

Perfect 2010 book is not optimized vs deep books...

It was highly recommended to be used as same book

For all prefers a lot of various openings... case of allowing only the strongest lines

Would not be so much boring.. ? Btw, note also that,

Short books up to 8-12 moves have no BIG chances vs

Deep strong books, just imagine again, as I stated before

48 kg wrestler vs 120 kg wrestler, what can be the result ?)

Meanwhile, in case of determining any real engine strength:

I suggest to be used my latest available Perfect 2021 book

Or Balsa....or any other short strong one, but same for all...

Btw, I have no any idea about why Sylwy is preferred such

Very old dated book..actually we are already in 2022 year!

Once more, for anyone missed,

I have a little bit experience in opening book making too..

Not much,... but I have...and I am not going again on

Working over very strong deep lines..or to be on Playchess

I mean like in the past, for example in 2008-2009 years

Because nowadays I have no much free time for all..

Bear in mind also that, we have great book makers too,

Who are real talents in our computer chess hobby!

And here are Duel played results, 72g performed 20+ Elo:

1 72games +23/-12/=155 52.89% 100.5/190

2 Kayra 1.1 +12/-23/=155 47.11% 89.5/190


More Details:

Both books played by triple champion: Cfish 030820 C40

As usual, Cfish seems to be stable, no game lost on time

The overall draw percentage (based on 190 games): 82%

72g's book settings : Optimized 0/25, Book Learning OFF

In short, for more fair cond. I preferred Book Learning OFF

Kayra's settings :BestBookMove=false, BookDepth=255

And as usual,

BIG thanks for your interest...

Have Fun,
