Registration Details• Note that opening book registrations are cancelled for the current book tour* Due to I've started to work over new book tournament: SCCT Book CS IX
Participant Details• For all book players are installed separately folder of engines (each book uses different engine.exe)• I created some books, which are tuned to use the openings played by Top players, for examples:- SCCT Top3 book prefers the openings played by Top 3 players of SCCT Book Tournaments 2015- No Book is an empty book (Stockfish 060815 MP and Komodo 9.2 MP are played without book)- Hybrid X book series prefer the openings played by various Playchess/Infinity 2015 Top players* Hybrid X1 book prefers the openings played by aMaLiA, Brusk22, Nidal, Svraja1, YUKAWA* Hybrid X2 opening book prefers the openings played by Agovic, FAGAL, Menno7, TAIPAN54* Hybrid X3 prefers by Adequate, DeepBlueOcean, Guryon, MingLi, Mirina Amazona, Njgor, RpC* Hybrid X4 book prefers the openings mainly by Dark_Linez, Kingcrusher, Rialto_11, Dexcarado* Hybrid X5 book prefers the openings mainly by Pacificrabbit, Perfect_line, The_death, Aldiga* Deepcrack10n/Hybrid X4/Hybrid X5's openings are based on Playchess/Infinity Nov 2015's games* Note: According to Playchess+Infinity November 2015's games, Deepcrack10 is performed as best* And it's not a BIG surprise that Deepcrack10n book is one of the Top rankings in SCCT too• For more info about some of the registered book entries can be found at SCCT Participant List• There are other books too, you may look which individual ones are based on Playchess+Infinity* The played openings by the created individual books aren't 100% same as on Playchess/Infinity* But however as far as I noticed so far, usually the played openings are very similar or same* I noticed also that many books suffer due to some of the played opening lines are out-dated...* Actually this happens always and with any book, that's why each book needs updates very often* And for best performance: it's required new very strong opening lines that never played before...* Let me express my saying about this issue: ''You can not be on Top by the work of others''
Statistic Details• So far (12.01-23.01.2016) there are only 2 games lost on time, not bad, based on 7286 games• The database contains no double draw games (approx. 400 double games are removed so far)* Those double games are appearing due to some books use to play strictly same opening lines• Approx. 80% of the games are ended as Draw, for more detailed statistics, please click 'here'* The Draw percentage on Playchess/Infinity servers (av. 2300 Elo Jan-Nov 2015) is approx. 66%* The Draw percentage on Playchess/Infinity servers (2600 Elo+ Jan-Nov 2015) is approx. 75%* SCCT's Draw percentage is slightly higher, probably due to more equal tournament conditions• D43: Semi-Slav is played 2484 times, that means approx. 38% of SCCT CS VIII games are D43* The opening percentage of D43 on Playchess/Infinity (2600 Elo+ Jan-Nov 2015) is approx. 42%* D43 opening is played approx. 14% by lower rated Playchess/Infinity players (average 2300 Elo)• SCCT's Average Move Length (per game): 56 Moves / Average Game Length (per game): 5 Minutes• Deep Access is the smallest book, just only 958 KB / the biggest book is Panda 5 book: 302 MB • The size of SCCT Top3/Playchess/Infinity books: the smallest ones are 7 MB, but mostly are 55 MB

Best Regards,Sedat Canbaz

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