Hello Chess Friends,

As usual, I am pleased to announce that,

I managed to run another series of 3600 Elo

Note also that all are played as NON-NNUE

Btw, for right now,

I realized about the current competition to be ended

The reason, no much Elo progress since 2020 year

But later, there is a possibility to be resumed again...

Because sometimes.. it's no so bad idea to be tested

Engines without using Evalfiles as assistance, right ?

Some details about the current Number One engine:

Cfish 030820 BMI2 is the Winner of Candidate 2020

Plus the Winner of previous Championship I 3600 Elo

As we see, the same Cfish once more managed to win!

In short, 3-times Champion...really just unbelievable !!

I can't remember any better record, exactly by same version

And same engine once more proved that just 'Born to Win'

Oh...yes, Cfish 030820 engine lost in the recent Duel Match

But the opponent played with huge advantage (via Evalfile)

Frankly, sometimes newer versions do not mean stronger!)

Almost daily SF releases, but here the situation is different!

It seems, SF authors are busy manly over NNUE's progress

On other hand I wonder much (as NON-NNUE),

Who will be this 'hero' who will manage to release stronger ?)

Not sure exactly, but It looks like we will wait some long time!

I have to admit also that,

Zeus, SugaR, SF PB, Brainfish etc. engines are super strong too

Cfish 050521's performance is great too, which plays in book tours

Sure, I can't say the same words for Swordfish...really suffers a lot

Btw, Blue Marlin 14.5's test is cancelled...suffers too, even more!

But in solving various positions, Blue Marlin 14.4 is best: Results

Meanwhile, once more we noticed, and it's my pleasure that,

Via Balsa opening suite and Perfect books: no any accident!

E.g it's not required thousands of games (per player): Details

The Winner: Cfish 030820 - Congratulations to Cfish, SF Team!


1 Cfish 030820 : 3635.6 263.5 476 55.4%

2 Cfish 050521 : 3626.5 257.0 476 54.0%

3 Zeus 9.4 : 3625.8 256.5 476 53.9%

4 Brainfish 240720 : 3617.7 250.0 476 52.5%

5 SugaR AI 2.50 : 3616.7 250.0 476 52.5%

6 SF PB 101221 : 3615.1 249.5 476 52.4%

7 Stockfish 170720 : 3606.3 242.5 476 50.9%

8 Stockfish 131221 : 3604.2 241.0 476 50.6%

9 Fat Fritz 2 : 3600.0 238.0 476 50.0%

10 CorChess 3 111221 : 3595.1 234.5 476 49.3%

11 Bluefish 190921 : 3586.8 228.5 476 48.0%

12 Eman 6.91 : 3583.3 226.0 476 47.5%

13 Raubfisch X47d3 : 3582.6 225.5 476 47.4%

14 ShashChess 20 : 3570.0 216.5 476 45.5%

15 Swordfish 14.5 : 3533.8 191.0 476 40.1%

• Calculated by Ordo chess program / Fat Fritz 2 engine is fixed to 3600

More Details:

• All of the chess engines are 64-bit, BMI2 is used where is available...

• The participants are played with Contempt 40, sure where possible...

For maximum performance and strength (due to Parallel matches,):

For each GUIs installed separate copy of engines, for more Details

• Overall draw percentage (based on 3570 games) not so high 82%

• The Top engines seems to be quite stable: No games lost on time

For anyone interested, this great engine is available: Cfish 030820

• Download all the played tournament games in PGN: SCCT II 3600